"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 3 August 2013

Political Intrigue is not that intriguing

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thieves and Robbers of Every Stripe and Nomenclat...": That was not the only odd thing in those elections. Who decided to let Giambrone run again? Completely nuts. *************************** It was an oddity in the last election in the last election as well. Gambrione appeared on a platform complete with partner to give the appearance of stability and respectability. It took the betrayed lover he had been entertaining on the TTC chairman's couch to burst that bubble. It wasn't the only revelation that reflected badly. His TTC expense accounts did not show to his advantage. He was a candidate for the Office of Mayor of Toronto. He apparently believed his conduct would never be discovered. Unlike Rob Ford who had several, Golden Boy Gambrione never had a Code of Conduct complaint filed against him. A common mistake among would-be life-time politicians is misunderstanding and underestimating the intelligence of the electorate Disrespect and betrayal of trust are personally and keenly felt, like an intuition. Betrayal is the greatest and least likely to be forgiven or forgotten. Trust is not given lightly. When David Miller won the Mayor's office previously he brought a broom to the stage and waved it about. For all he accomplished ,he might as well have wrapped his leg around it and circled several times, the point of the C.N. tower in the twilight. When he announced he would not be a candidate in the next election, he choked on his own tears.He was thinking of his mother. He had learned nothing. When Adam Gambrione had to step out of the race, Miller expressed heartfelt regret because Gambrione was an "excellent" candidate. The disgrace did not feature in his estimation. We have seen that lack of comprehension in Aurora, this term and last. In his last post, Councillor Abel noted the casting-out in the last election was about the SLAPP lawsuit. He's wrong about that. He demonstrates his lack of understanding of town affairs then and now. But he is not alone. It explains why programs initiated by the last Council, like Culture for all at Aurora taxpayers' expense have have continued uninterrupted with even more money provided by this Council than the last. The NDP obviously had no candidate in Scarborough -Guildwood and already a week into the campaign. They know more than any other party about the importance of flying the flag. Gambrione would have an organization easily pulled to-gether. More important still would be the campaign funds collected for his previously abandoned attempt still likely be in the safe keeping of the City Treasurer and available for use. Votes he received would be die-hard NDP supporters and people who could not stomach voting for Liberals or Conservatives but others too angry at the Liberal betrayal to boycott the ballot.


Anonymous said...

There is a natural tendency to assume that those votes you garner are FOR you. I fear the same has occurred here in Aurora.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

In Aurora, we are still voting. The poll in the Auroran is holding at about 86-87 % against that proposal.

Anonymous said...

@ 13:57
It has been lovely day. The sunlight slanting through the trees means the worst of summer may be over. And there you are as usual snarling in the woods by yourself. Lame.

Anonymous said...

It is going to be very hard to get voters in Ontario back to the polls. There are far too many people who have firmly put their votes into Park.

Anonymous said...

A Query for 13:57
If someone is always stepping on your tail, why don't you move it ?

Anonymous said...

18:32, it looks like you and 19:04 are talking to yourselves. Lame.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the public has thrown in the towel on government.It matters nada, zilch whom you vote for.The corruption and scanfals will always follow.What is the alternatinve, other than to carry on like the minions they see us as.

Anonymous said...

My apology for the spelling errors.I am not computer savy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chuckle, 08:55 (the inadvertently pre-emptive mea culpa).

Anonymous said...

What most people don't know is the Liberals by cozying up to the Teachers and the infamous Metro Trades Council,they have the best foot soldiers in putting up signs and getting the vote out.
Next in line the NDP with their union ties also have a ready workforce capable of the same.Lastly come the Tories with their grass root supporters that are rank amateurs compared to the Liberal group.The point is some of these dynamics play out in a by election where getting the vote out determines success.Not making excuses for the Tories but in comparison their foot soldiers just don;t measure up!

Anonymous said...

You're doing just fine. We all goof up regularly.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:55
The toughest thing is to remember that blasted anonymous button.

Anonymous said...

Political Points
" Call for Tim Hudak leadership review could come as early a next month, "