"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Begin forwarded message:

WELCOME to 2016:

   Phones – Wireless

   Cooking – Fireless
Cars – Keyless
Food – Fatless
Tires –Tubeless
Dress – Sleeveless
Youth – Jobless
Leaders – Shameless
Relationships – Meaningless
Attitudes – Careless
Babies – Fatherless
Feelings – Heartless
Education – Valueless
Children – Mannerless
Country – Godless
Politicians are WORTHLESS !
I'm scared – 


Anonymous said...

Well done - you are getting good at putting up outside photos and information.

Anonymous said...

Why is a country Goddless a bad thing?

Looks like a right-winged rant to me.

Anonymous said...

too funny!

Anonymous said...

American source ?

Anonymous said...

14:27 - I'm sad for you. And I'm a left.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It sounds like the sort of stuff bubbling up from the States. They seem to think the End of the World is
upon them. One lot claims some type of Rapture is due, the other blames ingrown toe-nails on their President.

Anonymous said...

20:00 - When trying to keep up with local, regional, provincial and federal news then getting bombarded with world news, it all can be quite maddening. I can see why some might think "the end of world" is upon all of us. With the Christmas season here, I do find there are more feel good stories out there. Just wish the media could continue with them after the holidays.

Anonymous said...

I will concede the need for more positive stories but feel that could be true all year. The Christmas season
has morphed into an incredibly loooooog merchandizing period and I can no longer stand Christmas carols.
The clerks in the stores are besieged with Bing Crosby and the rest of them.......