"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 29 January 2018


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'M STILL HERE": 

Reading this post, puts a big smile on my face. I was hoping that you were just busy with other things in life and didn't decide to hang up this blog. I'm not on Facebook, so I don't have that connection. I enjoy blog reading, and yours is always one of my favorites.
Thank you 

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 29 January 2018 at 08:20


No, I thank you. I need encouragement. I have another reader who  likes to let her hair down but by e-mail. I suspect I may be disappointing others, then I think ,well that's pretty conceited.

I know FB friends aren't as  many as BF (Blog Followers )

FB is instant gratification . There's a line that pops up and  says ..."what's on your mind " 

I  dive right in for  an argument or four.  It's not hard and it's in my nature. 

Sometimes response is Immediate,sometimes not. 

Since using  iPad ,I've no way of keeping count but it doesn't matter. I' m not trying to prove anything except a thing or ten. 

At the moment, three women journalists on CNN are expounding on how wrong Hillary Clinton was 
when she didn't fire a campaign official for sexual harassment complaint.She did not ignore or
dismiss the complaint. The complainant was moved to a better environment, a second chance was provided to the complained of  and when things didn't change he was terminated . 

The full story was  deliberately withheld. All three journalists, of a different generation, agreed, Mrs Clinton was out of step and needs to answer for it. 
It's so characteristic of the experience of women who succeed . Credit withheld is the norm. 

In politics, complaint is not an option. Nobody likes a whiner. Occupational  hazards are many.  Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. 

In my second to last term of office , re-elected in my eighth decade, a columnist in a local newspaper interviewed and wrote a profile on every Councillor except myself. Another, on a TV interview program,interviewed every Councillor but myself. 

Nobody noticed. Except myself of course. 

Media consensus  male and female, is that Hillary owes the public an explanation for the decision she made. 


She won the Democratic nomination, despite all the wrong-doing implied by Democrats, Bernie Sanders and others. The saintly Joe Biden did not favour her when he actively contemplated a late 
bid for the job. 

Hillary offered to fight for and serve in the toughest job in the world . Despite  the most virulent campaign in history, she won the popular vote. Still,she did not become president. 

A  male lying,swindling,lecher was chosen instead to occupy the Oval Office. Complete with his nefarious entourage. 

Hillary Clinton is not beholden. She maintained  her dignity and composure and her side of the bargain. 

She held fast to her truth in the face of nauseating prejudice such as never before displayed. 

Since Winston Churchill , I have never seen nor expect to see, such strength of character in any candidate for public office. 

He too was defeated in the election that followed his finest hour. 

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