"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 22 April 2010

The Code Again

Clause 11 Harassment

Harassment of another Council Member, staff or any member of the public is prohibited under the Human Rights Code and the Town's Administrative Procedure 44 -- Harassment Free Workplace.
It is the policy of the town that all persons be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace in an environment free of discrimination and of personal and /or sexual harassment

I am hoping for no further e-mails from Councillor Wilson similar to the one I cut and pasted yesterday. I don't feel good about doing that. It's getting pretty close to his level of function.

It is only one aspect of his personality. He is a compassionate man in many respects and I do seem to bring out the worst in him. It dates all the way back to 2003,when I came back after an absence of thirteen years and was elected. He wasn't after two immediately previous attempts.

I cite Clause 11 of the Code to make another point.

I consider the e-mail harassment and disrespect. It is not a solitary example.

Councillor Wilson is a fierce advocate of the Code. "Bring it on" he said, when the possibility of punishment was explained.

I laughed and said "It's a double-edged sword, you know. You too can be caught in the Code."

But they lusted for revenge against me for being more open and transparent than anything they had bargained . Also determined not to listen to anything I had to say.

In politics, all manner of human failings are likely to be let loose. It's why we have Rules of Order. They are intended to ensure dignity and respect. Providing, the presiding member is competent and understands their purpose. Impartiality is another requirement.

That's a joke.

Councillor Wilson's e-mail is at one and the same time, a complaint against the code and an affidavit

I could file it and a dozen others against the Councillor.I could provide employment for our Integrity Commissioner for his retainer from the treasury ,whether earned or not, for a number of months.

There are video tapes of Council Meetings. The Mayor's regular comportment of sneering condescension in my direction and less so towards Councillors McRoberts and Collins Mrakas is often commented by people who watch meetings on Cable.

Cameras don't lie.

The Code prohibits such behaviour.

The Code requires Councillors to read and understand the Code and sign two copies to signify to the community these are the standards to which they are committed.

Ample evidence indicates they are not.

The Code requires Councillors to regularly review the document and remind themselves of their
signed commitment.

Ongoing E-mails and public comportment indicate they do not. If they read it, they clearly do not comprehend it.

Yet there can be no doubt, appointment of an Integrity Commissioner for the remaining months of the term signifies Council's intention for individual Member's conduct to be submitted to his judgment prior to the election.

What is a girl to do?

Just what I am doing, I think.


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