"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 2 May 2010

I Went to a Marvelous Party

I Went to a Marvelous Party

The Blessing of St. Maximilian Kolbe Separate High School on Wellington Street, Aurora. It's the first one of those I have ever attended.

The evening was crammed full of unexpected images. I have to go back on my scooter for a proper tour.

But Oh My...It started at 7 p.m; a brilliant and bright celebration in every sense of the word.

Elizabeth Crowe, trustee for Aurora, King and Whitchurch- Stouffville and Chairman of the Board shared honours with Trustee Theresa McNicol of Newmarket.

When the site plan came forward to this Council for approval, incredibly a majority expressed opposition.

The land had had to be quietly assembled for the board to arrive at the point of processing a site plan. Had Council refused it, months of delay would have ensued and legal costs for the Town and the Board, all coming out of the same pocket.

Two public bodies, accountable to the same taxpayers, would have undoubtedly locked in a dispute before the Ontario Municipal Board, an outside and separate body of jurisdiction.

Councillor Gaertner had most to say.

It would be too great a burden on the town's taxpayers.No tax revenues would be derived.

A full complement of teaching, support and custodial jobs were dismissed as insignificant and not an asset to the town's economy.

How did the school board know there were enough students to justify the school ?

Where would students come from? Didn't some come from out of town? The Councillor sounded like she wanted to see the figures to be satisfied the board was making the right decision.

It was before the possibility Dr.G.W.Williams High School being closed was on the radar. When the same Councillor presented the reverse argument.

Then the business community in that neighbourhood would be devastated by loss of the school

Students and teachers were a great asset to the economic well-being of that neighbourhood. Susan Walmer was all set to lead the charge on that issue.

That was after the opportunity to sell a parcel of land to the Region for Police Headquarters with seven hundred well paid jobs in the 404 area had been turned down.

For the same reason. It would be too great a burden on the taxpayers.

When the Separate High School crisis happened, the whole burden lay on the shoulders of Elizabeth Crowe, trustee for three communities. She was not Chairman at that time.

She rallied parents, who chose spokespersons from every separate school in town to address Council and speak to the issue of need. Father Don MacLean , Our Lady of Grace parish priest came with them to lend his support and gave expression to the meaning of the school to Catholic parents.

They made the difference. The vote shifted.

Councillor MacEachern noted her daughter attends Cardinal Carter High School. The Mayor recalled she had attended a Catholic school.

Councillor Gaertner's arguments were suddenly irrelevant.

No doubt exists in my mind , were it not for the effort of School trustee Elizabeth Crowe ,
the beautiful new High School on Wellington Street, Aurora would not be.

As it stands in all it's splendid function, a distinct attribute to this community, it is a credit to the leadership of one small very determined woman who never lost sight of the main objective.

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