"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 6 January 2011

Time Flies

Busy or not. In your hiding place, you shall be caught.

We were elected on October 25th. Sworn into office December 1st. Had our first meeting December 18th. A special meeting to deal with a single item on December 22nd.

We haven't done anything since.

No more meetings until January 18th.

Yesterday,I received a phone call about a new manager's job posted on the town's web site .

I checked. Job references and terms of references are extensive.

With benefits, it will likely cost $100,000. a year. It's an office wallah job. Space will have to be provided.Equipment. A desk, chair,phone, computer,stationary space on the collation machine. It adds up to another $20.000.

I asked the question when we hired an environmental engineer, to identify environmental initiatives.

Every year at budget, I asked about initiatives identified. I feel invisible. The question is never answered. The silence speaks volumes.

I read the credentials and terms of reference for the new job. They sound impressive. I don't know why it's needed. Nor does any other Councillor, including the Mayor.

We have not discussed it.

Problems with customer service have not been in the forefront of our minds.

During the "re-org" in the last term, we transferred responsibilities to people whose job descriptions did not fit the new responsibilities.

Maybe the customer service problem was being anticipated.

The budget hasn't been discussed either.Nor approved.

A new job impacts a budget. Which is why I wonder, why a job not authorised, in a budget not approved is being advertised.

One of the last conscious acts of the last term, was to transfer holus-bolus responsibilities from Council to staff, without examination.

I circulated an e-mail about the mew job to Council yesterday.

Didn't hear back.

Maybe creating jobs and approving the budget are not for Council to worry our pretty little heads about any more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What interesting revelations , we all knew there where issues on the political front for the last 4 years but it looks as though the issues run much deeper, can you tell your readers, is there a Council authorized Master Plan guiding these initiatives? has there been any consultation with the towns folk who have to bear the cost of this lavishness?
what kind of a tax hike are we all going to have to suck up? , we need answers!!