"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Home Home On The Range Where The Deer And The Antelope Play

Did you see that antelope charge the cyclist who was  invading his territory?

I often yearn for the freedom to express myself in Chris Watts style. When I've reached the point of beating my head bloody against a brick wall.... or swimming in pitch...or  trapped in a room filled to the ceiling with cotten batting.

Last year we spent $347,000 on a program  at  Church Street School which could have been provided by the  leisure services department  with little change in the town's budget. The department has all manner of arts and culture programs under their umbrella which are not a burden to the taxpayers..

The museum would have been up and running with a curator in charge and volunteers  doing what volunteers happily do. 

There would be no conflict between the town and a board which didn't  exist until a year and a half ago.

There would be no centre staff , which also did not exist , feverishly marshalling forces to protect their existence.

No consultant probably being paid $20.Ks to examine compliance with an agreement when compliance was not the question..

No  town CAO attending ,cap in hand, to discuss with centre staff  the possibility of having council representation on a board of  johnny-come-lately status.

No authorisation from council to spend another $20 KS  on another consultant for an undetermined purpose.

For distraction, I like to read about the Rob Ford's battle against the forces of entrenchment to bring city spending under control.

Or  Hazel McCallion's stick-handling to justify a situation she created that cost Mississuaga  6.5million dollars for an inquiry.

Hazel held a press conference and said it's all the fault of the media and she would not advise any young person to become  involved in politics today.

No politician in  Canada's history has enjoyed more consistent approbation from the media than Hazel.

We will see how long it takes for turn around and payback from the media.

In the meantime...back at the ranch.


Anonymous said...

It's always difficult to oust a determined sitting
tenant, especially one that has nowhere else to go.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Christopher Watts should think about
starting his Pub evenings again to give him a closer
look at this situation as it evolves ?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 12 Oct. 2:34 PM:

Hopefully, there will be more co-operation on the part of the Historical Society, but the Cultural Centre isn't going anywhere.

Accommodation and integration are the operative words.

Anonymous said...

How about proposing Christopher Watts as Board Chair of a combined Culture Centre/Historical Society?

The town might also, through its very capable Parks and Recreation Department, install a game preserve immediately adjacent, in which its various moose could be accommodated.

Oh, if wishes could come true...

Anonymous said...

To anon 2:34

Bull shit

The building was hi-jacked and proof is on its way.

Anonymous said...

The Museum was long planned. Aurora got along without the Cultural Centre and could do so again.

it would vanish without a ripple if funding were cut
from this unelected group determined to change us
to replicate existing programs and have See Me
events costing bizarre amounts.

christopher watts said...

To Anonymous 4:04

The Church Street school has been more than accommodating for the operation known as the Cultural Center.

It was paid for by multiple grants to become a Heritage Center.....but it went somewhere....make that nowhere.

If you read the Nokida report the ones that are not cooperating is the Cultural Center.
Without the AHS that building would never have been restored. The Nokida report, which is a flimsly constructed and flawed document interestingly enough speaks to a collections agreement between the two parties.

If there's one thing that won't be going anywhere it is the town's history. Aurora's culture has been thriving way before, and will way after the entity known as the Cultural centre folds due to it's sky-rocketing pretension and its redundancy of offerings of our towns well run service clubs.

The Aurora Museum doesn't ned to be "integrated", it needs to be restored.

After that has been done if there's any room left to accomodate $90/ticket scotch/wine tastings, $300/ticket levees, $70/ticket galas or other elitist jump-ups perhaps the Cultural Center can be accommodated by being offered first right of refusal to lease the space from the town.

To Anonymous 3:28, perhaps I'll see you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Accommodation & Integration sound fine.
All that has been heard from C.C spokespersons
has been anger and bluster. Don't try to blame this on
the Historical Society and the Council. Brought it on

Anonymous said...

As for the town's and library programming, wait lists and very limiting for families that have more than 2 children. I come from the 2nd most favourable city to live in Canada, Burlington ON, and the demand for programming grows every day. The Burlington Art Centre is the towns pride and joy and everyone would agree that it brings colour and life into the community. A living art Centre is exactly what Aurora needs. The only person complaining is Evelyn Buck and her small band of followers, who have obviously not had the pleasure of visiting and embracing all that the Centre has to offer this growing community. The Centre has been accused of being a Culture Club, a place where the elite come, where the few that are a part of it are made to feel "important and necessary". It is a place for EVERYONE, and yes, it is a place for people to feel important and necessary; the artisans, youth, seniors that thrive and grow through the Centre. Aurora is no longer the small town north of the City. The demographics have changed and Ms Buck needs to embrace this with positive

Anonymous said...

Evelyn, I misses anonymous on las post. Can you catch it,please <

Anonymous said...

Mr Watts, what yould you like to see happen? Remove the ACCentre and move in a museum? Didn't the museum run from 1987-2002? I spoke to some families that have lived in Aurora for many years and they told me that the doors to the museum were always locked?!
The new model for "gallery" or "museum" is a living/culture art centre. Burlington, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Markham all have centres like the Aurora Cultural centre. It's too bad that the banter goes on...it's shameful that we need to argue over something like this considering the issues of democracy and freedom going on in the world. Move on, stay positive and embrace change.

christopher watts said...

Interesting disguse "young and progressive".

Burlington is considered the 2nd most favorable city to live in in Canada? Really?

If you honestly believe that, why did you move here?

The Burlington Art Centre, along with the others cited in the Novita report do nothing to inspire me.

How is it you claim that Clr. Buck and a "small band of followers" are the only ones raising the issue? How many people do you speak to?

How can you claim to state that others have not visited the centre? Soley because it is not being embraced?

The Cultural Centre, in its current form is not a place for EVERYONE. The building itself cannot accomodate EVERYONE, it is a bad fit for what a Cultural Centre needs, and I would argue it isn't needed at all.

What I would like to see happen is that the Lynch+Commiso plan for the Heritage Centre which was paid for with a $750 grant from the Minister of Canadian Heritage and approced through council resolution be realized.

I do not concur that "The new model for "gallery" or "museum" is a living/culture art centre." In fact there are few people or resources that I have turned to that would agree with that statement.

Burlington,Missisauga,RichmondHill, Markham and I would even through in Toronto are not Aurora.

Aurora does not need to emulate them.

What is shameful is that we would displace our heritage and replace it with a culture club.

History and culture is all about moving onm staying positive and embracing change.

None of that is evident with what is happening at the Cultural Centre.

Anonymous said...

Why is this issue being framed by some as an 'either/or' proposition? I prefer to have an 'all' option.

Fortunately, the cultural centre's many offerings include heritage events and displays. I believe that the encompassing arts, culture & heritage mandate is, can and should be housed within the walls of that great building. That way, it can be more things to more people.

The creation of the "issue" is another question. Is it truly based on merit? Or, is it a continuation of the animosities witnessed in the previous term of council - another manifestation of the antipathy towards the (thankfully) now-departed mayor and her cohorts.

The benefits and enjoyment of the centre - right here, right now - should not be 'tainted' because of an association made by a few to a disastrous and ultimately unpopular, FORMER mayor.

I was very pleased with the results of last year's election, but an anti-MorMac agenda is not the basis to oppose a facility that, even in a relatively short time, is proving to be a boon to our town.

Anonymous said...

My aunt in Stratford used to call people of the
sort we have at the Cultural Centre 'leaches' and
they never made the cut. Young & Progressive
would be similarly dealt with. sound and fury
signifying zilch in terms of being an ordinary
resident of a few years. A recent convert to the coven ?

Matt Maddocks said...

To "young & progressive"...

To the best of my knowledge, the Aurora Museum became operational in the old Church St school in 1972, and celebrated it's 25th anniversary there in 1997. My wife and I attended the anniversary celebration, as well as visiting the museum several other times without finding the doors locked (I suppose the fact that we checked the posted "hours of operation" was key to our successful access).

A few years later, government funding was provided to update the HVAC and mechanical systems at the Church St school for the express purpose of maintaining a balanced air environment suitable for the display of Aurora's artifacts. (This fact seems to have been lost on many - it would take quite a stretch of logic to argue that a state-of-the-art temperature and humidity control system was installed to help singers hit the high notes, or for arts & crafts glue to meet it's maximum adhesive properties, or to ensure the bratwurst is at it's freshest.)

As you suggest, the new model for museums may be to have them incorporated into a living/culture/arts centre. Of the cities you list; Burlington (approx pop 175,000), Mississauga (approx pop 730,000), Richmond Hill (approx pop 190,000), and Markham (approx pop 280,000), all do have beautiful arts & culture facilities. However, there is something they all had prior to these centres - beautiful museums.

Perhaps then, Aurora (approx pop 56,000) would be better served to have it's historical artifacts returned and displayed in the building deliberately renovated for this purpose, allowing "culture" to build naturally around our history. Embracing our past, I believe, furthers our ability to fully embrace change.

I apologize for carrying on with what you describe as "banter", but that's often the nature of those of us not so young & progressive. I am though, a supporter of Clr Buck, our museum, and of the Town of Aurora - the 1st most favourable town to live in - in my opinion.

Matt Maddocks

Anonymous said...

It would appear that Young & progressive is merely
young and badly misinformed.

Anonymous said...

The old (and everyone in between) are just as capable of being misinformed, I'm afraid.

It's all about opinion and perspective, like most issues.

Anonymous said...

I see Annymoose hoof prints all over Young &
Progressive's posts.