"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 1 October 2011

Challenge Accepted

Dear Anonymous 2:56 Pm,
I'm in, as long as I do not have to wear a spandex costume.
Many thanks,

Paul Pirri

 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "In Response to a Question":

There should be a round ring constructed of three heavy ropes and eight strong timber poles from which these ropes are suspended. Into the ring should be placed about 15 inches of fine granular sand.

On the outer side of each of the eight strong timber poles should be hung the personalized thick heavy padded leather shields and three inch diameter oaken staves, each six feet in length, one for each Councillor.

These are to be used by the individual Councillors to settle irrelevant or irregular points of order, fought to the finish within the ring. The declared winner will have his or her point of order heard by all for up to 15 minutes whereupon the loser shall be banned from Council meetings for one month with commensurate loss of pay.

The Mayor will not be able to participate in the ring-wars. He will be the final arbiter to declare winners and losers. If he is challenged by another member of Council he shall be able to appoint a champion to fight in his place. If his champion loses then the Mayor agrees to remain seated without speaking for a period of 30 minutes during which time all rules of procedure are temporarily suspended.

This latter situation will hardly be noticed for its difference from present Council meetings.

Young Paul Pirri exemplifies the difference between this Council and the last. It can be explained with a single word:  HUMOUR

We still have the carry-over of Councillor Gaertner .

The new element of Councillor Ballard who gives  all the signs of having a score to settle only it's hard to recognise what that might be.

Coumcillor Gallo shows signs of relenting from the sour and bitter disposition of the past council.

Never-the-less, on the whole, the Council that laughs to-gether can work to-gether

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly Councillors Ballard and Gaertner would agree to participate - wearing spandex costumes.

This is something to anticipate!

Come on, B & G.