"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 16 September 2013

Read The Following Twice For Good Measure

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "N.D.P.. Candidate for Nomination for Toronto Cen...":

It's interesting to see you say that McQuaig "would be an outstanding candidate fort any political party."

I would have to go with Chrystia Freeland, the Liberal candidate. She was born in Peace River, Alberta.

And my decision is not based on party politics or philosophy.

She is a graduate from Harvard University with a Master's degree from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.

Freeland's career in journalism with the Financial Times, Washington Post and The Economist speaks to her experience in international affairs as well as economics. She has served as deputy editor of The Globe and Mail, the managing director and editor of consumer news at Thomson Reuters and most recently as United States managing editor at the Financial Times, based in New York City.

A recent book, a New York Times bestseller, was the winner of the 2013 Lionel Gelber Prize for non-fiction reporting on foreign affairs. It also won the 2013 National Business Book Award for the most outstanding Canadian business-related book.

Stephen Harper is an economist by education and has never held an honest job in his life.

McQuaig has a distinguished career that is skewed toward the social side of life, as in socialism, which by itself is not a bad thing. But the NDP will not form the official opposition following the next election and her potential role as an MP will be wasted.

While I am not a great Trudeau supporter, mainly because he lacks the experience, I think Freeland might play a major role in designing a Liberal platform, and not just with reference to economics. And depending on how things play out during the next couple of years - any more scandals? - the Liberals might win a minority.

I would rather be Green than NDP.
Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 15 September 2013 20:38

I attended a conference in St.John Newfoundland years ago. The cod had all but disappeared.
Robbing the natives  of their livelihood. 

Dalhousie University carried out a unique project. They went out  into the communities  with cameras
and crew and invited people to express their thoughts  on film about what the problem was and how it might   be corrected.

They brought the material back  to the University and edited. Went back to the communities and invited the same people to come and watch and listen to themselves.

It was like taking the thoughts out of their heads and putting them on the table and  examning them for substance.

I published

 the comment above for the same purpose.


Anonymous said...

It will be a great election to watch. All the parties are going to work like blazes. I'm not sure if the electorate are going to bring their votes out of storage.
We could try a mirror poll here just for fun but someone would be certain to holler that it was invalid.

Anonymous said...

Ok Evelyn presented the case for the NDP & this person prefers the Liberal candidate. Who's running for the other parties ? I can't find out even if the date has been declared yet.

Anonymous said...

"Stephen Harper is an economist by education and has never held an honest job in his life."
"While I am not a great Trudeau supporter, mainly because he lacks the experience"

Both have not held a real job..why sugar coat one over the other. Do you have an axe to grind?

Anonymous said...

Curious the love affair with the two candidates Lib and NDP and their journalistic backgrounds
Most journalists are a disengenuous bunch
Case in point the two Canadians being held in Egypt
Why won't anyone write about their Israeli Aparteid and boycott activities
Karma is such a bitch!

Anonymous said...

I would hope this by-election leaves that stuff behind. We can't get mired down into which party might have done the worst job in the past.
Harper has had his shot at the thing.
Time perhaps for fresher faces from wherever.

Anonymous said...

Much IS being written about the activities of those 2 Canadians. There is a reason why their detention in Egypt has been extended for a further period.

Anonymous said...

20:39... A noble statement to be sure. I only wish Aurora politians had the same mind set.

Anonymous said...

That Business Retention guy at the Town Hall should polish up his resume. Timberlane has been sold, Dr. Williams is moving out of the doctoring business next summer & Oakland Hall is listed for more than 6 million. Oh, well, with two of them he can claim to be helping the Region with in-filling.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau to name Freeland to Liberal economic team this afternoon according to The Globe and Mail.

Anonymous said...

I very briefly saw a highly personal post dated today.

When I went to comment I was told there had been an error and it then disappeared.

I certainly hope so.

Broderick Epps said...


Can you elaborate on what is being written.All the Star and Globe are saying is one is a Doctor and the other a film maker.Google provides more extensive information but you can't believe everything you read on the internet.@19:00 appears to be quoting internet.

Anonymous said...

I believe that both individuals have been involved in highly partisan activities that have attracted the attention of authorities here and abroad. Charges were laid against one for disturbing the peace in an incident in a mall which involved a political tirade.
You could say they were in the wrong place at the wrong time if clear travel advisories had not been in effect. Europe and even lagging Canadian officials had issued warnings.