"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 26 March 2015

REALLY ! ! ! !

CAO Garbe's reaction to a suggested cut of $100,000 from staff training and education budget of $200,000 prompts  a response. 

His statement that training and education is :

"what sets Aurora apart as an employer " 

"That is how we produce innovation ..how we produce results"

"How we retain our personnel and part of our attractiveness"

With due respect, Mr Garbe's contentions are not supported by recent events. 

A number of failed  "innovative" initiatives come to mind:

Town hall addition plans cancelled after $300.000 had been spent on transition plans. 
Ballooning cost of  the Joint facility due to poor site location.
Completion of AFLC addition months late and 25% over budget. 
$167,000 on design of $1million treatment facility to remove non-existent salt from melting snow. 
$25k consultant fee for advice that a Heritage Theme Park represents no business benefit to the town. 
Weeks of time and staff resources expended on a failed competitive bid for a University campus with a serious offer of $11 million enticement from the town. 
Four year added delay on disposition of surplus buildings on Library Square. 
Failed clear bag garbage initiative after weeks of time wasted and $35 K consultant fee expended. 
Customer Service Plan promoted as improved service at no extra cost. Heavier workload now calls for additional manpower. 
Termination of a twenty-six year employee for no purpose
that can be justified. 
Repeated Administrative re-organization  for less than obvious reasons resulting in less than obvious improvement. 

The list continues and provides no support for Mr Garbe's contention the Education and Training budget of $200 Ks has achieved the results claimed. 


Anonymous said...

I read that article in the Auroran as well. Mr. Garbes reaction was quite embarrassing. The results of what he speaks of has always been paid for by outside consultants. It would really would be interesting to find out what the bill is for using these outside resources for the total year. I was quite disappointed with Abel, Thom and Thompson with their vote. I was happy to hear that Pirri and Dawe were absent. I know how they would have voted. Got lucky on this motion. Nice one Councillor Mrakas!

Anonymous said...

His " initiatives " have largely failed.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the Fab Lab but who's counting ?
They should just fix communications with the staff already on hand - PLEASE

Anonymous said...

I think we are going to have to lose this one, Evelyn. It is too early to expect the new councillors to get a handle on this guy. One of them I voted for & wish I could pull it back.

Anonymous said...

Mr Garbe was asked to provide ways in which staff could reduce their spending.
He seems to have an annual problem with that bit of direction.

Anonymous said...

Coons are up - mind your garbage

Anonymous said...

Presumably other Ontario municipalities of similar size have this kind of program.

Can we ask staff to check into this and provide a summary comparison to see how Aurora ranks?

One of the 12 said...

Are you forgetting that you were on the last council, and these are YOUR failures as well. If you were against any of them, you are still responsible for not debating the issues properly - but then again, I suppose that's why you are sitting on the sidelines.

Anonymous said...

21:14- I wouldn't care if other municipalities have half this amount budgeted for their Education and Training program or triple the amount. We're sitting at over a 4% increase in our taxes. Something has to go, and this is a great one to not only decrease but eliminate.

Anonymous said...

I do not think we need to ask for more figures. A study earlier determined that Aurorans pay top dollar for their services which are pretty much the same as those of every other town. This particular bunch of staff are pricey....already. They should not require that we provide them with more training.

Anonymous said...

You did not mention this year's snow plowing. There was a definite decline in service in our area.

Anonymous said...

7:04- Yes she was on the last council, and she was for the most part the only one against or for a motion. As far as not being able to debate issues properly…Well, how can you debate with those who don’t give a damn about anything except to appease the 30% of the electorate? I for one am happy that she’s not sitting on that council. It would have been more of the same. She can now write and speak freely to all, including dumb asses like yourself.

Anonymous said...

" one of the 12 "
As usual, you are guessing.
How would Evelyn's readership or level of contributors stack up against some organizations in town ?
The Historical Society were pleased with a 30 or so turn-out. And they have what ? 12 on their board.

Anonymous said...

Well said!!!

Anonymous said...

& we hardly had any snow this year. Wait until we get something like the Maritimes got.

Anonymous said...

You are on a roll keep em comming you only got part of the list completed , way to go