"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 21 March 2015


Christopher Watts has left a new comment on your post "THE. TANGLED WEB IS WOVEN":

I understand that it was discussed at a budget meeting in January and that council referred to staff to prepare a report. That much appears to be open and transparent. What isn't is being able to keep track and follow these issues, along with the voting intent of its members when they deny they are entertaining the idea and investing staff time that suggests otherwise. We're lucky that the press picked up on this when they did as it provides time for residents to engage. There isn't a motion at Regional council, but that doesn't mean there won't be before the end of the month. Noor Javed relayed to me: "The issue is very much on the table, but not in an official way. My discussion with the mayor (Van Bynen) suggested he and council are very serious about seeing the idea through." Doesn't line-up with or regional rep saying that there is "NOTHING" (notice all caps) at the Region about

Posted by Christopher Watts to  Our Town and Its Business at 21 March 2015 at 15:36

Being part of a budget discussion obscures the matter further. 

Was it as an expenditure or  a source of revenue ?
 Regional Police are responsible for traffic. Was the recommendation part of the Police Services budget? 

It hardly seems likely. Christopher notes traffic problems are down. How would that support an expenditure for cameras?

Did the potential for new revenue spark the discussion?

That seems more likely.

Of course I'm speculating. 
When a picture is obscure that's what happens.
Clarity is conspicuous by its absence.
A stated commitment is not followed through. 
Councillors contradict one another.  
No formal  resolution of council Is on record. Yet Regional staff are pursuing the issue.
NOT  the Police Department who are responsible for traffic  control. 

By the way, Police Services Board members are paid 
as are Conservation Board members. 

It's going to be interesting to discover if regional reps on the board are accepting payment for a responsibility already compensated by the regional salary.


Anonymous said...

Hey ! I can't even find the minutes for our own meeting. Thought they had to be up on Fridays,... or is the town taking March break ?

Anonymous said...

17:08-the one for march 10th? They're posted!

Anonymous said...

It always goes back to "follow the money" Damn right they all want to introduce photo radar to increase revenue so they can pay down their debt. Oh... and by the way... Newmarket is in debt!

Anonymous said...

Deflection from the budget.......

Anonymous said...

Thanx - machine is in Rogers hostage mode

Anonymous said...

This looks like window-dressing. King handles their speeders with an empty cop car parked with just its nose poking out from a driveway. Everyone has gotten the message.

Anonymous said...

Deflection? No deflection. The budgets have been set long ago. These meetings are all theatrical performances. Until residents in all municipalities including region council storm these chambers in these budget meetings like they do for "bell towers". Nothing will change. Money will continue to be budgeted for all pet projects and pet social services instead of essential services.

Anonymous said...

This time it is all their own budget - no one to blame when people get out & start paying attention.

Anonymous said...

This sounds a little familiar. Dawe stated that he initiated the clear garbage program. Staff started working/studing this program without council approval. Sounds like the Region is doing the same. Only a few are previ to what the hell is really going on at any given time. No wonder the communication dept. has a hard time communicating to residents what's going on...All sorts of BS is happening behind all sorts of closed doors. Transparency at its finest!

Anonymous said...

Was it the Region who was/were responsible for enforcing the election sign rules ? Because whoever that was did a crummy job and I never read of anyone being changed with wrecking signs.

Anonymous said...

The Region collected quite a haul along Wellington.I hope a change happens for Aurora that limits this eye-sore and vandalism.

Anonymous said...

Ok, a little moderation with the # of signs but let's not get too picky. I see no problem with having them by the schools. Doesn't hurt to have kids learn about elections.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should be allowed to have 231 signs erected no less than 17 cm.from the widest angle of the crossing street but no more than the other candidates after 6pm if their name ends with a vowel but only if the Region can see how long the screws are used at interesections.There ya have it.

Anonymous said...

I fount the whole sign thing quite entertaining, except for the vandalism. It was only for a few months. Everyone knew it was going to be over mid October.

Anonymous said...

17:21 Im heading to bed with a good laugh.Thank you.