"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 16 May 2015


With one thing and another,I've been busy this week. If I start a post first, it takes several hours to finish then I have no initiative to start anything else. At this time of the year tons of stuff needs to be done. 

I haven't read the news story on the budget yet. Just the headlines and a quick scan. I do have comments but not until I've read the whole thing twice. 

I'm still thinking of a theme  change for the blog. 

Before I started it in 2007, I tried to discover what I could . I read of a wildly successful blog by a man who was dying of a terminal illness. He wrote every day  about his experience. Hundreds of thousands of people world-wide logged in to share the experience. 

I suppose if one has been given an approximate date for checking out it could become the most important date on the horizon and a person could easily become pre-occupied. But I don't want to read about Immediately impending death. 

I hope  this week-end and  to I get flowers  to plant.  I've never seen such beautiful flowers in the various markets.  I may try dahlias again. 

We have replaced the railing on my deck with black spindles in red cedar and it looks amazing. A couple of years ago, Heather placed a short rough grey stone faced wall three stones high around the garden. The effect of black spindles and red cedar against the grey rough stone was completely 
unexpected . And beautiful.  Now there's a lot of  Joe-boy work to do. 

I like doing it. Don't mind at all spending hours at it. I especially like the time to think while my hands are busy. The potential problem is finding myself on my ass on the ground and having to look around for a way to get back up or wait for hours for help to arrive. The extreme  has not happened yet. But there's always a possibility when I go out there on my own. 

I don't have a cell phone. I don't want a cel phone. I know it would be convenient but I've done without it  all my life and  I can do without the expense. 

I'm thinking about  a blog  theme of  changes in life style as one ages. 

Everybody's doing it. 


Anonymous said...

There is nothing to stop you from changing your mind if one topic does not work out.

Anonymous said...

For utter blissful boredom you have to watch the JOC Live Stream on the town's website.


Farmer in the smell. said...

Evelyn I do not like hearing what is going on at the market, again.Exclusion and unfair screening of applications is to blame I am told.There may be a reason.as its been heard they are pushing for the Jazz festival back This might explain a missing historical booth that applied this year, for the park..

Anonymous said...

Please do get a cell phone. I got one for my mom. Its a pay as you go phone, and you can buy a plan for $100 per year with evenings and weekends and texting free. She doesn't use it often at all fearing that she will be caught up in the dependency of a cell phone. $100 a year is not huge amount of money for your safety Evelyn, and it will bring great relief to all your family members. It has for us.

Anonymous said...

Flowers & Fireworks

Anonymous said...

This is funny. One of our kids just turfed her land line as it was too expensive and she didn't need it.

Anonymous said...

Your place sounds great but do take care.

Anonymous said...

What is an "historical booth"? It doesn't sound like a farmer or an artisan.