"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 19 March 2016


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "THE BIBLE THUMPER'S CREED": 

A more than slight CORRECTION.

The last sentence in the comment following the QUOTE from David Brooks is outside the quotation marks.

He did not say it.

I did, and I stand by it in spades. 

Surely we can do without one person for the benefit of hundreds of millions, even billions. 

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 19 March 2016 at 11:46


Obviously, I missed the quotes but recognized the exception. 

With limited circulation, I doubt misrepresentation travels far. 

But as much as is possible, I want to correct without removing either post. 

It's al relevant.

It seems Republicans may now be trying to rationalize a Trump nomination. 

I still think enough rope will hang him. 

He's a long way from the Oval Office. 

If climate change makes more of Canada habitable there would always be room for migration north. 


Anonymous said...

Abraham Lincoln was arguably the greatest American president, and ranked at the pinnacle of our species, and he was felled by an assassin's bullet.

Lincoln's primary objective was the preservation of the union so that a great country could achieve its promise.

To mention Trump on the same page is a gross insult at the very least.

To those bleeding hearts who find death objectionable I would gladly settle for a debilitating stroke.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking a wall between us and the US might be a consideration depending upon how events there shake out..
They might even want to keep us out. Who knows ?

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Evelyn ! I'm not sure if really want some of my own relatives moving north. Maybe they could go to Saskatchewan for a immersion course before coming to anywhere close to me.

Anonymous said...

Before this year I never knew there was a controversy about any flag other than the confederate one. Now I am hearing that some individuals either object to or demand [ can't recall which ] one with or without a gold fringe. Something called the admiralty flag ?

Anonymous said...

We have enough problems with our own wacko politicians on this side of the border to worry about the US side. We can't change what's going on down there whatever happens or is happening.

Anonymous said...

Coons trying to break in. Spring-time in Aurora.
I had been hoping they had all moved over to Highlands.

Anonymous said...

Let's just agree that Trump is a scary slime. Keep it simple.

Anonymous said...

We've seen a major shift in the polical campainging industry here and the US. Yet I've seen nothing change when they've been elected. Tax increases, more debt, billions of dollers misspent or unaccounted. Same crap different politician.

Anonymous said...

Mighty grim on such a lovely day. Get out and haul some branches before the rain comes.

Anonymous said...

Obama does Cuba. That will not please the republican either.

Anonymous said...

It isn't as if things are exciting here in town. We still do not have a hotel, Johnathan's is still empty, Timberlane is no more and Hallmark echoes. Even the Hallmark store in town is in flux,

Anonymous said...

Not a snowy winter at all

Anonymous said...

That New Hampshire Trump advisor. DeLemaus, who was indicted, was so high up in the pecking order that he was listed to replace Trump at the GOP Convention as an alternate. Really hard for Trump to say he doesn't really know the man.

Anonymous said...

10:42 gives a reason or two why voters may be looking for something different. Perhaps someone who is not "politically correct". The U.S. has a serious problem with drugs. Certainly, Mexico is a major supplier. The illegal drug industry kills people, destroys lives and operates outside the law.

Trump appears to want to tackle the problem. Clinton offers little other than vague slogans about "building the country up instead of tearing it down".

Meanwhile here in Ontario we are bracing for another major tax grab disguised as a carbon cap and trade.

Anonymous said...

They're certainly looking for something different, and Trump is different. That is something that's ringing loud and clear. His campaign has certainly got people paying attention and engaging in ways that we haven't seen before. For the most part, that's a good thing. We'll probably be seeing something similar in our next elections, and that will be a good thing. Our dismal 1/3 of eligible voter turnout is sad.

Anonymous said...

Uh, 9:20. Are you suggesting that wall that the Mexicans are somehow going to want to build will curtail the drug industry ?
Drugs flow into the United States across every border.
Trump is playing the racist card - nothing more.

Anonymous said...


This may sound naive.

There wouldn't be a drug problem if people didn't buy them.

Think how many hundreds of billions of dollars could be invested in infrastructure, education, health care and the aging population around the world.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see our voting numbers go up but not at the cost of introducing violence into our system. I would rather be bored and disappointed with elections than frightened by them.
Der Speigel has referred to Mr Trump as " the most dangerous man in the world " [ that may not be quite accurate as my German is lousy ] .

Anonymous said...

15:48 - The wall was suggested to curtail the illegal immigrant problem. Trying to stop or at least slow down the illegal immigration is not racist. If it was, every country including Canada would be guilty of the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:42. Trump is a great performer and he'll be just like all the rest.

Anonymous said...


Racist, sexist ignorance is certainly different in someone seeking elected office, much less the most important one in the world.

Paying attention and engaging "in ways that we haven't seen before" according to you is "for the most part, that's a good thing."

I doubt that Canadians will subscribe to your political dream world, and that's a GOOD THING.

People vote if there are real issues that affect their lives and their wallets, not building fairy tale walls.

Anonymous said...

Canada has so far rejected the politics of fear and hatred. Last election was close enough.
The most we can generate is disgust. That is ok with me.

Anonymous said...

It won't be because of my political dream world. It will be because of the carnage that the current governments will be have created and left us to deal with, while they go off with retirement packages, board of director positions, book deals and of course teaching positions.

Anonymous said...

17:19, you mean the "problem" of Mexicans trying to return to land that was a part of Mexico?

Anonymous said...

The Americans are now claiming land for cattle, logging & mining from their Land Management groups. That would remove it from the rest of the people and opes the possibility of it being sold off, fenced and destroyed, In the process, any claims for conservation or Indian claims, even environmental matters would be squashed. So far, the Supreme \Court has ruled in favour of keeping public lands public but it is a nasty fight.

Anonymous said...

Trumph supporters seem to want a government run by the fringe & the unhinged. Scary people

Anonymous said...

10:37 - We have a government that just announced a budget 3x bigger deficit than promised. Is that's not scary...I don't know what is!

Anonymous said...


What I find scary is that those that voted the Liberals in are surprised. What planet were they living on?

Anonymous said...

I find it funny to listen to the screeches from the conservatives. They should spend all that energy on selecting a new leader to try and bring together the remnant of their own party. The number of defections prior to the election has depleted the ranks of their leadership candidates .
And it is not just on the nat'l. front either. The local conservatives have work to do too. There is a new riding to the south looking for a tenant and surely someone can challenge Mr B. ?

Anonymous said...

Nope Canadian politics is not scary

Anonymous said...

They way things are going with the Liberals, the Conservatives will just need warm bodies. Heck the Green party will have a chance to be the opposition party! The campaign slogans will be "Anybody but Liberal"