"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 27 June 2016


I"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "THE BREXIT PHENOMENA": 

So Evelyn you disagree that the current development in the east of Aurora is not having an impact on the downtown core?  

Don't get me wrong, the downtown core is great if you need to visit a bank, a doctor or a lawyer. But if you want to buy anything, there is little opportunity. If you live west of Yonge street, you are more apt to drive to Newmarket or Richmond Hill versus the east side of Aurora

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 27 June 2016 at 07:38

I don't profess to be an expert but I have observed certain features over the years. First being ,
things are never easy in retail business . It would be impossible to make a list all the businesses started  closed within months downtown in Aurora. 

Before the town had an Economic Development Department, a small planning department handled the task. The planning director devoted her entire professional career to Aurora and enjoyed highest respect in the development industry for fairness and efficiency. 

We had  conversations about the downtown  "problem". The reason  that sticks out from all the rest  was rents for old inadequate space without  convenient parking were too high. 

It became apparent, mall rents were too high. People loved the amenities of the mall. They didn't necessarily spend any money there. Malls stopped being built. 

The Smart Centre on the east side of town didn't  exactly get off to a booming start either. Businesses  have come and gone  there as well. 

I've never seen that parking lot filled. Considering all the paving, trees, ornamental benches that represents considerable investment with no return for years. 

Business fails for many reasons.  Not least is the assumption by others, every business is a roaring success as long as the doors  open. 

Business is  target for every fund- raising organisation.  And doesn't that seem like a roaring trade.Municipal  taxes  are horrendous. They can't turn around without. a permit and  application fees are in the  thousands with no guarantee of permission. 

Business  is built on goodwill. Quarreling with the Municipality is not advisable. They can't complain about the Legion or the Soccer Club competing unfairly  for business. 

Without an option, they just up and close doors in defeat.  

The Chamber of Commerce should be their voice but shows little interest in their problems.

Endless, empty, meaningless, yammering  and millions of dollars fed into the maw of out- of -town consultants by a continuing procession of  fat cats, elected and appointed at the town hall are a bitter pill to swallow during the struggle to meet a pay-roll and nobody notices until they're gone. 

In early days, business was well represented in town and village councils. Farmers were prominent on County Councils. Policies, principles and standards were hammered out to reflect fairness, consistency, practicality and economy.

Taxation was of prime concern. Revenue from property development was recognized as the essential fuel for growth that kept the motor running. 

Municipal  corporation business was relevant to large and small operations in stores and factories that provided a living for those who made their homes and raised children in the community. 

People made the connection. 

Nowadays, millions of dollars for wild life reserves, for arts and culture, millions more to provide land for soccer fields for private enterprise to reap profits, additional  millions to remove land from  development and forfeit revenue, to say nothing of the public sector setting up in competition to the private sector. 

Small business are asked to sponsor concerts in the park, hockey teams,soccer teams,baseball teams.Christmas parades, July 1st parades, Easter Eggs hunts and whatever other fun and games come to mind. Not forgetting, Sports Hall of Fame,lucrative advertising magazine and Sport Aurora organization riding in the backs of the taxpayers. 

None of it regarded as too great a burden for anyone  ptrying to make a living from a business or professional service in Aurora. 

The  town is  currently advertising for citizens to volunteer as Business Ambassadors. Huh.

Last week The Auroran had a photo of Councillor  John Abel cutting the ribbon for a new business wearing a shirt and jacket over shorts and sandals with socks. 


Anonymous said...

"They can't complain about the Legion or the Soccer Club competing unfairly for business."

An infinitesimal drop in the ocean; not even a factor.

Anonymous said...

The last paragraph is apropos of absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

A traditional business, small or large usually succeeds for the following reasons:

The goods or services being provided, the cost competitiveness, inventory and in-store availability, the service, the guarantee, the return policy, the atmosphere and staff level of expertise and friendliness, location, parking access, shopping convenience such as hours of business and days open, payment terms and methods.

But many traditional businesses are and have been replaced by on-line retailers so you have available on your computer screen their entire inventory, the convenience of shopping from your desk, express shipping and returns without any great effort.

Traditional business is being threatened by on-line and Aurora's core is virtually defunct.

What is the Chamber of Commerce doing to revitalize the core? Is there a plan, a program?

By the way, a 30-second advanced left turn at Yonge and Wellington would go a long way to alleviate the back-up. I timed the advanced left from Wellington to north Yonge a few days ago - 11 seconds. How many vehicles will be prevented from making left turns between 7:00 - 9:00 am and 4:00 - 6:00 pm, including trucks, tractor-trailers? How will the residents of the immediate streets north, south, east and west like having all this traffic rumble by their homes as they become the intersection bypass?

When it comes to traffic and public transportation the Region is as knowledgeable as a stunned bunny, and we have lots of those, even local ones in shorts, shirt, jacket, sandals with socks.

Anonymous said...

14:59 - Agreed, a petty shot at someone's looks. Very offside.

Anonymous said...

7:45- I thought it was kinda funny. Both the picture and Evelyn's post. Can't anyone have a sense of humor anymore? In fact, I find your comment funny.

Anonymous said...

The investigation into Hillary and Benghazi has been completed.
They got zilch.