"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 18 October 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "In Politics":

I find the mayor's and councillor Abel's comments very interesting. I don't have to say "it often enough" so that people may begin to believe it. I was a witness to it - 4 times with different individual councillors no less!
Makes me think they "doth protest too much" in their attempts to convince us that it didn't happen.

I can't believe how little  understood is  the attention Council activities receive from the community. 
The lobbyists made no secret of   meetings  had with most of the Councillors.
Councillors received  separate invitations from Suzanne Reiner 
Councillor Humphryes attended without  having any idea   it was inappropriate. 
The promoters told the press about the goings on  and said there was  Council support for their  scheme.
Gradually, over the summer they built the pyramid .
The Mayor's name  first on the list of high-profile citizens in support of the scheme , in principle, if not with  personal fortunes.
The plan was  for the town to be backed into it. 
Like a horse being guided into the shafts of a carriage.
Right up to the point, of  the presentation  two weeks ago  when  Councillor Abel made the motion to receive and refer to staff. 
Tomorrow night, on the  agenda , for all to  read,  the staff  recommendation  that was made without further direction from Council.
From the beginning,  I  regarded  the machination entirely inappropriate and said so. Everybody knew where I stood. I did not mince words.
No matter. . 
They  think of  me as  tired, without energy, not up to the challenge of new ideas. 
I have seen schemes like  this before. 
They are  not hard to recognise. 
The only surprise that remains  is how easily,  otherwise apparently intelligent people  are  taken in by the bullshit. 
I swear, some people should never be let out of  the house by themselves. .  


Anonymous said...

Let's get that streaming working. We need to see ALL the meetings, not miss the dress rehearsals when they are trying out new material.

Anonymous said...

To whom is "Grrr" directed? The writer of the comment you quote?