"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 5 October 2012

Recap The Audit Situation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Council Must Act":

It sounds like opportunistic scare-mongering. After all, you do have it in for the senior management team, don't you

It's always interesting to read varying reactions .
In some people's minds ,the above does not vary.
No matter what;
" Evelyn Buck is at the root of it.  Pay no attention. Simply dismiss"
A politician who takes a  position always takes that risk.
It's natural. It's normal. It's the way the world turns.
The sky does not fall.  
I am diametrically opposed to many positions taken by  senior management.
I recognise no rule that compels me to say I am in favour , if I'm.not.
I have wondered how the Culture Centre Agreement escaped attention of the auditor. Clearly public interest was not served. 
I seldom let opportunity pass to state my position. 
For the sake of the community, I  hope to be  wrong. 
But experience  is sufficient to believe time will permit me to say;
It's more satisfying if I can prevent a decision without merit.
I try.
But mine is one opinion among nine. That is our lot. 
The law requires the annual audit.  It's  purpose is clear.
The  law  requires findings to be publicly stated.
Without fear or favour.
Problems detected must be corrected.
In all my years in town affairs, this is a first, in not receiving a clean audit. 
Potential  for trouble  has been highlighted. Correction has been advised.
To my recollection, specific errors have not been identified.
I may be the only Councillor seriously concerned.
I believe I am not.
The matter is not concluded.



Anonymous said...

The Agenda is up. Looks fairly innocuous with yet another closed session. But Rogers should have this one - unless they find a game somewhere to cover instead. What did happen with that 'streaming '? It would have made the current discussion less Alice-in-Wonderland.

Anonymous said...

The only person who has implied deliberate wrong-doing by the Leadership Team that I can recall was Councillor Gallo over the installation of those tennis courts. I do not believe he ever offered an apology when he, himself, had clearly over-stepped his authority by stopping construction.
Several other councillors have gone after that Team for their own particular reasons. So it is interesting when someone comments that the turmoil has a single source. Piffle!!

Herding the One Trick Ponies said...

"Wouldn't that be a lovely present!"

Merely wishful thinking ... of the nasty, small-minded sort.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5:04 PM Thank you. Next time, the spelling will be ' wrong ' again for you.

Anonymous said...

There's a comment missing (the one that 5:04 PM references).