"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 15 October 2012

What Does The Cancer Society Do With It All?

I lost the thread of  discussion  about   he/she/alone  a long time ago .So I'm not publishing the tails.
I understand why the person with the passion for the food bank persists in making  a connection to money provided by the town for free arts and culture. Which isn't free at all.
I  make the same connection.
That's not to say  politicians should decided for anybody which charity should be supported. 
It's  one of the  few decisions still ours to make. 
I  acknowledge no person's right to put  a hand in my pocket and take out  whatever  to support a charity. 
But we do it all the same. 
Every time a request is made to waive  fees for  a town facility, we are, in effect making a donation of  the fee to the charity. 
The books are not correctly kept.
A facility is used,  a fee should be recorded.. 
If  the fee is waived , it should be  recorded as a grant. 
Revenue for facility use should tally with times used and fees charged. 
Funds raised for cancer might be  $40,000. If  user fee of $300 was paid, the tally would be $39,700.
What's wrong with that?
Why can't politicians say no ?
If we don't waive the fee, does it mean we don't care about families 
dealing with cancer in their lives. I  think  not. 
People I meet, who participate in raising funds in memory of a loved one, in the hope another family can be spared the grief, wonder more about what the Cancer Society is doing with the funds than  about paying the user fee for a facility.


Anonymous said...

But, you published another follow-up comment from this afternoon?!

Anonymous said...

Auroran.com has an article on the proposed agreement. Sounds like Grabe feels it's a done deal.

Anonymous said...

T'is a plethora. Christopher is up too. Sleep well.