"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 26 July 2014

.Changes proposed. Time posted almost 5p.m.

Tuesday's agenda has a staff report recommending changes to the process adopted by Council on July 15th.

For a start it's  out of order.  A Resolution approved by Council, confirmed by Bylaw ,cannot be re-considered  within six months except by waiver of procedure requiring two-thirds vote of Council.

It's an attempt to  correct an oversight which would  not have occurred without the convoluted process set in motion without input from Council.

It's tied up in the knots we created for ourselves.

Who experiences the election process?  Councillors that's who.

Who has most experience?  Moi.

The  amendments  recognize  timing for questions is open-ended.

Change suggests questions and answers be "concise"

Responsibility for determining what is or is not "concise" rests with the presiding  member.

In this instance, Master of  Ceremony, Chief Magistrate, Head Honcho, probably helpful architect and consultant  for the entire nonsensical process, His Honour, The Mayor.

All Candidates Meetings  for town elections ,traditionally organized by Aurora Library Board
provides for a Master of Ceremony , a Person of Status, known to be completely detached from  the town's  political affairs.

Purpose is to  avoid all possibility or suggestion of bias or prejudice.

The process must be fastidious.

Between now and Tuesday afternoon Councillors have the additional task of comparing two questions for each of sixteen candidates.Two will apparently not attend.

I have an idea.

It's wicked. Promise you won't tell.

I contemplate  asking candidates who they plan to support as  the next Mayor.

Current choice  is between two .

Whatever decision the presiding member makes,  it can

under no circumstances be seen to be impartial or unbiased.

Yet the question is concise. The answer equally concise and within the rules set out.

Candidates can properly cite the right to a secret ballot.

If the decision is to disallow the question, the response to both must be the same.

But  what is opposed  is precisely what is being required of Councillors.

A second staff  change recommended in the process  requires ballots bearing the Councillor's
and candidates name  to be distributed.

Votes will be cast.....ballots collected.....votes tallied and  who voted for who will be publicly proclaimed.

The record will forever show which seventeen candidates were publicly rejected by which Councillors.

It is different to not being elected in a municipal  election.

By  attaching names of voters the selection becomes personal.

Having read the submissions, I have no stomach to do that to any of the eighteen who accepted an invitation to serve the community.


Anonymous said...

It's not called a "secret ballot" for nothing.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe any questions can be disallowed by anyone. Unfortunately that means that some questions could be tactless. We just have to hope that the presence of the camera will restrict anything ugly. Basically a mess has been created and it has to be cleared away.

Anonymous said...

Tickets could be sold to this event. I believe the performances will be outstanding.

Anonymous said...

How about:
" Did you vote in the last municipal election ? "

Anonymous said...

Roger has its regular programs on Tuesday afternoon. They might tape that meeting but unless Council manages to get it streamed, people are unlikely to watch or even bother to find out when it is broadcast. It is the middle of summer- my neighbours are mostly off doing family events.

Anonymous said...

What about those with out Rogers cable access? Some people do not like being screwed.

Anonymous said...

Cannot help you there. The track record of managing to stream or get meetings to the public has not improved this term. It is not any worse than before but not better either.
It is quite perplexing as there are always comments around the table about holding information sessions to inform residents. I would like to see the meetings for myself rather than be told at a later event what is going to happen.