"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Like I said

I missed Charlie Rose last night. Had to be at the town hall. The guest on Monday's show was particularly interesting. I'm still thinking about the conversation.

Jeff Koone is a New York City artist currently exhibiting in a gallery. He doesn't do anything in a manner expected.

Inflatable toys, flowers and a stack of play dough  are featured in the collection. Originally he  cast in  stainless steel then switched  to aluminum.

He does not craft the objects himself. Teams of people at various work sites , one in Germany, create the moulds and fashion the finished object working in such close harmony with himself as to craft exactly what he intends.

He was the guest for the full hour. No commercial interruptions. Queries answered  with full and articulate responses.His childhood, education,career and influence were part of the exchange.

He told of meeting famous artists  like Salvador Dali and  their generous influence on a young playing ands canvas artist.

But the artist who made the greatest impression did his best work in his late eighties  and early nineties .

To which he attributed  the  freedom and confidence that comes with a full, long life, a great body of knowledge  combined with accumulated life experience and learning.

As I watched and listened , I was composing questions for candidates in the phoney-baloney
election  Council staged  on Tuesday.

I thought of asking ...  What  do you think oF Art in Public Spaces?

Last week  on T.V. I saw art  forms exhibited in the median of Payne Avenue in New York  City.

It was both startling and amazing  and I would love to see it on the medians in Aurora.

It certainly would not be  forgotten or inexpensive.Yet how realistic is that idea.

 I wasn't sure it was a fair question  to ask without time to think or without knowing what I thought of it myself.

Now that I think of it , it seems I might have missed an opportunity to raise the issue and get some feedback from the community in a different way than the usual $70.thousand consultant study that hears from about thirty people.

It might also have made more sense than what we were about on Tuesday afternoon.More people than that were in the Council Chamber.

I have said previously in this space, the election process  was a sham to obscure the reality the
candidate of choice was already pre-determined.

I believe my  point has been made.


Anonymous said...

It was part of my learning-process. One that I could have done without but probably necessary.
Try to take some down-time now that the drama has concluded.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Rose is the best and most intelligent of American talk/interview television hosts.

Jeff Koons lives in New York City in a combined townhouse with his wife and six children. The real estate cost him $32million plus another $5million for renovations.

A recent work of his sold at Christies' for just over $58million, a record price for a living "artist."

The question is: is he an artist or an exhibitionist?

The answer is still up in the air.

But if you enjoy this sort of stuff, good for you.

Anonymous said...

Would you be good enough to list the ten most important and/or interesting items among the apparent thousands of artefacts in the Aurora Collection of historical objects?

Presumably these would be given a prominent place in the display following the retainer of a curator.

Although such latter event still seems far off.

Anonymous said...

Auroran is up