"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 14 July 2014

Naughty Talk

I published July 13 22.01 comment because I thought it was a calm personal reflection of a personal concern.

It wasn't a strident call to arms to take away hard-won rights.

People  should be able to express their thoughts freely. I have similar thoughts about the long term effects of birth control chemicals.

I worry about the need for both parents to work and  children  literally being raised  in institutions.

I worry about students not getting the help they need in school and what the future holds for them if they can't read or write.The jails re full of them.

I also don't understand why, when all the important issues have been  resolved, the gay community feels compelled to have parades to tell the world  how different they are

Wasn't the battle about  being the same and having the Sme rights.

Why can't they just move on and live dull normal  lives like the rest of us.

I have no interest in anybody's bedroom activities..I don't care if they hang upside down from the ceiling fixture  to do it. If they break their necks ,on their own heads be it.

I also do not believe the Mayor  of any city should feel compelled to walk in a Gay Pride Parade and suffer continual baiting because he/she  has other things they'd rather do.

There's nothing in the Municipal Act that makes it mandatory  to walk in a parade .

Being  chosen as a candidate or elected to office strictly on the basis of sexual prediliction is not my idea of an obvious choice.

What about all the religious processions communities have in Toronto. Rob fOrd would probably be struck by a lightning bolt if he walked in one .

Would his enemies then take to the streets and rejoice with bands and trumpets blaring and John Tory doing marvelous things with the Band Major's baton.

Above all, I think ,if we want  to, we should be able to talk about anything calmly and thoughtfully or  not....without anyone getting their knicker in a twist .

Underwear for the nether regions were knickers when I was a child . There was a naughty .

It might be why the expression comes to mind.


Anonymous said...

We should all keep out of the lives of other people unless we see damage being done to an individual and can make a difference.

So Publish ALL Comments said...

"People should be able to express their thoughts freely."


Anonymous said...

Why should ALL comments be " published " ? This is not Open Forum and even there the Mayor has been known to cut off a speaker.
Show some respect for your host and stop fretting about your publication ratio.

Anonymous said...

Fretting about my comments seems to be your job, 12:51.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Evelyn. In the schools the # of kids with divorced parents is scary. There is no back-up at home to deal with little problems before they get larger. You get tykes without lunches or adequate clothing unsure if they are supposed to be staying with one or the other other parent.
The Gay Pride nonsense has gotten blown out of proportion. It is great for bringing tourist dollars to the city but many TO residents leave for the duration if they can. Nothing wrong with that. The same thing happens in many cities that host lengthy noisy events.