"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 17 July 2014

The Wisdom of Solomon....a King no less

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "So Soon Forgotten...or Never Understood ?":

I have just about concluded that we don't really need the October election.

Let's stick with the incompetents we have rather than risk a different bunch, or half a bunch or whatever fraction. Sometimes it's best to take what you know than risk everything for the unknown.

Gallo will be gone unless he changes his mind and runs for council and whoever council picks on the 29th to fill Ballard's seat should fill it permanently. So we only need to replace Gallo. No one whose name ends in "o"

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 16 July 2014 22:20


Excepting the final  thought, the comment might  have come from a person of my own vintage. If  from  a person of  later generation,it gives me heart.

Except for inexperience in the  Mayor's office,  the current  Council is as typical as any that might be chosen in an election.

It's why incumbents have always had an edge except when voters are really outraged.

Majority  rule is no guarantee decisions are always right.

But  whether they are or not, It's better than a dictatorship

In my wildest dreams ,I prefer dictatorship  but only if I can be the dictator.

The Wisdom of  Solomon  is often cited  for guidance in decision-making.

 His idea of settling a dispute between two women claiming the same baby was to divide the child in two and give half to each.

The facts are suspect.

How could two women  be mistaken about being mother of a  single child.?

If there was only one child, there could. only  be one mother.

Any mother can verify the feat is not  accomplished without obvious changes. Oh dear me....no.    Someone must have noticed.

Fatherhood now, that's a different kettle of fish. In Solomon's time, no DNA .

I think  a conference of Rabbis  were sitting around a  picnic table discussing weighty issues and one of them offered up ....Here's  one for the Book.

Such a mechugana idea for settling a dispute.

But  our question of the day......Was it dictatorship ?   Monarchy?  Or majority rule?

Will we ever know the truth of it ?


Anonymous said...

With respect to the final thought I am assuming that it refers to the super-sized ego who knows everyone and everything.

This would be a super-sized mistake.

Anonymous said...

Keeping the current council fits my idea of not fixing anything unless it is truly busted & won't work. But that is probably impossible given the sheer number of individuals lined up for your live audition to replace Ballard. And the amount of time left before the election.