"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 10 October 2010

The Feast is Under Preparation

I was having my breakfast toast....a bit late, I admit... the blog always calls to me first...  I was thinking back to the beginning of this Council's term.

Immediately, a lawyer was retained, then a second, in a two year ongoing attempt to destroy the former Mayor's reputation. Council were never informed what it cost. But we knew  it accomplished in the town's interest ... nothing, nil, nada, zilch and zero. The final advice received that any action for damages would have to be by a civil suit meaning the  complainant has to foot the bill.The campaign ended there.

Aurora Cable and town staff were harassed for months by Councillor MacEachern and friend Walter Mestrinaro. Aurora Cable is no longer an Aurora business. Dozens of jobs vanished with them.

Then it was Canadian Tire's turn. Hours of legal expertise spent to research a tri-party agreement between private parties and determine the town had no role to play. We did play a role anyway.
We hooked up private parking lot lights to the town street lighting system. 

George Rust D'Eye was retained in an "emergency" to "investigate" how a three month old decision. which should have been reported out when made, came to be "leaked" to the press.He did not do that but a Code of Conduct was written  with a clause for the express purpose of silencing critical discussion  of  majority decisions.

"I will destroy you" threats were overheard screeched at a Councillor in a public place.

The Councillor subsequently resigned from an office she held in high esteem.

In writing, there was an attempt to destroy another Councillor's professional career.

Cruel and inhumane treatment of staff during public and private meetings.

Yet another lawyer hired to "investigate " a Councillor for the second time with  instructions to create a complaint under said illegal clause in the Code of Conduct.

An Integrity Commissioner hired and fired and scurrilous comments made about his reputation resulting in   "Cease and Desist" Order  issued against the Mayor.

A second Integrity Commissioner hired who apparently better suited the intent of enforcing a  Code of Conduct designed to apply only to  one Councillor.

The list goes on. It hasn't ended.The worst is yet to come.

When I eventually click to publish a post, my language is considerably toned down from when I started. Hyperbole is always a good beginning but never a tidy finish. The difference between my initial language and Chris Watts' is generational.

I tone it down even further out of respect for the office I hold and the people I represent.

I am mindful of the discipline of language.

This morning, it is in that serious vein,I offer the perspective, in my judgement, for the past four years, we have been living  under  a regime made possible only by the abuse of public resources.

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