"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 19 May 2012

Flotsam And Jetsam Circa 2012

Several bits and pieces needed this morning to tidy things up.
 The Purchase of Service Agreement with the governing board of the Church Street School was not written by a student or a law clerk. It was written by the former Mayor who  brooked  no interference from anyone including staff.  Sometimes these things have to be repeated  a few times to register. Because it is so far from the norm..
The woman retained lawyers regularly  and consulted with them ad nauseum. It was no accident  the only lawyer involved  with the agreement was former Councillor Damir Vrancic, representing the board's side of the deal. The town  paid those fees as well.
It was not because the town had no lawyer on staff at the time.
The agreement was written  the way the former Mayor intended Why it was done that way only The Shadow knows. .
Councillor Ballard is  convinced the agreement is precisely what it should be. He does not accept the advice of the current town solicitor.
The  blog post  I reproduced here recently by Gary McWilliams of Cobourg was written with information provided by organizers of the St Kitts Jazz" Festival  here. I don't know if   bad-mouthing of the town came from Snowball or Aurora.
It seems  six market vendors refused to sign the cockamamie Code of Conduct, flourished in their faces on the day of opening. 

Not four as first reported here. Not two as reported in The Auroran on information from the jam lady  chair of  the  executive.
Rumour has it there's  a falling out between Past  and  Present President of the  Farmers Market Executive. 
The Present President spoke for the Past President  in the media and said vendors would be turfed if they didn't sign" Da Code" 
Past President was apparently displeased to have those remarks attributed to her. You  would be too if it happened to you.
There have been a number of meetings between Market representatives  and the Town ,to discuss having a single permit. But no request for an amendment to the bylaw. I guess it suits them the way it is.
 It's the Aurora Farmers Market.  It doesn't suit me I think we need to clean things up
Never know who may be lurking in the bushes  with pen  and pad in hand. 
A morning  comment attacks Tim the Enchanter..Accusing him of attacking  the food  bank.
That was always a  regular tactic of the dreadful duo.
They would perpetrate a deadly deed . When challenged, they would accuse the accuser of the awful perfidy of their  actions.
I think the intended strategy was to  mess with ma mind
I heard  just yesterday of a gruesome fantasy expressed  of my person  being pierced with multiple stab wounds and stilletto heels piercing my eyes.
I just looked up and saw a handsome beige-orange breasted robin 
hopping purposefully across a long straight branch and disappear into the canopy.
The tree is full and lusciously green with glimpses  of clear blue sky here and there. I rest my eyes there regularly as I write.
 Now we are up to date. You know everything I  do or can tell you.
On your behalf, I want to thank Paul Sesto for the work he did with the C.C financial statements and details about the library.It has been well-received. 
Thank you  also to all the people who comment  regularly in this space and make this blog your own.
Have a great holiday week-end.  


Anonymous said...

Our thanks goes to you every day even when you tie us up in knots.

Anonymous said...

Those who did sign should demand their copies back & destroy them. Don't want those things coming back in the future to bite them. Get rid of every bloody copy.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that Jan lied to the press about the number of Market Refuseniks. Wouldn't that be a violation of her Code of Conduct and grounds for ' turfing '? Or maybe the rules don't apply to her and she didn't have to sign up ?

Anonymous said...

You are a treasure to this great town and her citizens, and this blog is a haven for reality and the folks who crave it. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the high road time and again over these trying years, The whackos are still out there but thanks to One Evelyn Buck they haven’t got an easy row to hoe.
Keep it up we need you more than ever

Anonymous said...

Can anyone recall what the poor Egyptians did to merit their seven years of plagues? I'm pretty sure I would remember if Aurorans had gone out of their way to offend those above. What in blazes did we do wrong?

Anonymous said...

To 6:58pm

I agree with you 100%.
There are people in this town who wish to promote a community of caring and acceptance.There is opposition to this energy because they are not the guiders and the topic of attention.The individuals who seek to be helpers do so out of their hearts.
What we have here is jealousy.
I know the reason this silly code came about was defensive actions because people did not like the questions being asked.If you push too hard you then get called aggressive, and a bully.
If some are transparent, then we do not have these problems.People are covering their behind and the backsides of others by refusing to answer questions and are offering spin and deflection.
It is an old routine we have seen before.
There is a dark cloud over our community and it will not clear until we understand that a battle for full control of our community is waging.Corporation vs.cooperation and networks vs.so called gangs.
Some may not agree but the truth is tough to swallow.

Anonymous said...

10:04 AM
Say what? I'm sorry. You lost me.

Anonymous said...

S'cuse me, 10:04 AM, I am not following your train of thought. Do you believe that the Market Code of Conduct was a defensive move because of questions being asked? Please explain what the problem was so that I can understand. You seem to say that some questions should not be asked at the same time as you don't like people refusing to answer questions? This is quite interesting. Please give me an example.

Anonymous said...

To 10:04 am

I think there are a few fruit loops missing here.

Is this the new Armageddon?

All this over a refurbished building, sale of produce in the outdoors and a fence to keep out those whose park it rightfully is.

Maybe there should be a citizens' arrest made and the trouble-makers shipped to the nearest landfill.

The cloud would vanish, the water would taste better and the air would be, mercifully, clean.

Anonymous said...

I must make an apology for my reference to the Egyptian plagues. Had no idea it would set this person off into space. It was not meant to offend.

Anonymous said...

To 12:39 pm

The only question you do not ask is about the disconnect between the Farmers Market and the Jazz Festival.I recall reading it was supposed to be a joint venture.Can anyone clarify what month/year this appeared in the media?

Anonymous said...

Fascinating. Like reading Coleridge before his editors cleaned his work up.

Sid said...

I took a staycation from your blog quite some time ago. You had my support last term, but this term I felt you were being marginalized by your own making. Misinformation passing as opinion does you no credit.
I don't give a rat's arse about last term anymore, or 50 years ago for that matter. Yeah, I was in town 50 years ago, but I'm pretty sure those that haven't been don't give a rat's behind either. Done, dusted, move the hell on already. Times have changed.
I dipped back into your blog today, and wish to hell I hadn't. It's like I fell into some parallel universe. There is a whole other town out there and you don't know about it. You obviously don't have the inside scoop at town hall, and rely far too much on a few cronies handing you a load of old cobblers. Why be their puppet?
Listen to real people for a change and get out in your community and celebrate what works well in the town.
How you can expend so much time and energy on shite?
Having not read your blog for quite some time, I can tell you that your view of town is a whole lot different than the average bloke on the block.
And it seems that Anonymous really is just one guy!
Crikey you let some crazies in your club.