"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Let There Be Light

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Codes Of Conduct And Other Acts Of Monumental Stup...":

The Farmers' Market should be evicted from the park in the centre of town to a distant field.

And if this stupidly childish Code is continued they should be shipped out of Aurora altogether.


Let's not be confused about  the vendors of the Farmers Market. They may be the victims here.

Think about it. They take out a permit. Come to the market early on a Saturday and  until the market closes  are busy selling their wares. Then they pack up and leave. 

It's a small market. Maybe thirty vendors.Not all live in Aurora.  What interest do they have in  a political organization?

Why would they turn out to a membership meeting to vote in a slate of officers? What does that  have to do with paying a permit fee to sell goods from a stall  for five hours once a week?

Stephen Granger  was raised up by the oligarchy of the last term to be Council's(the Mayor's) man at the  market. the town provided funds over which the Mayor had jurisdiction.

Tentacles of power wound their way into market management and took control. The St Kitts woman became events coordinator for the first year. Quit the second year because the vendors wouldn't  pay her. 

"Events",using the band shell became  a feature of the market.  From small acorns grow large oaks and from such  seed a" jazz festival" sprang.

 Vendors saw  neither  funds.nor controlled  events.

Lady Bountiful was frequently observed.

The  Heritage and Culture Ad Hoc Committee for management and programming of Church Street School had former Councillors Granger and  Gaertner on the committee. The two who could be counted upon, above all Councillors,  not to stand in the way of whatever plans were afoot.

Mr.Ballard, not then a Councillor, and Ken Whitehurst, the Mayor's campaign manager and friend, movers and shakers both,  were stout supporters  of  whatever plans  were  hatched at 2.a,m on Wednesday mornings in the Mayor's office at the town hall.

An election was held. The war was lost. Still  strongholds are  in the hands of the losers and the battle continues.

The Farmers Market,Church Street School.Town Park on August week-end and possibly the old hydro building are the potential outposts and the octopus has a tentacle in each.

And Oh Yes.... we must not forget the Oak Ridges Moraine Trust  under control of Susan Walmer and the town's environmental  advisory committee  may also have a loose connection..Probably a mole or two within.

The Farmers Market was a pawn in  the  last term and if it can't figure a way to cut the tentacle, it may be at risk.



Anonymous said...

We are all victims who allow ourselves to be victimized!

If one stops to think, there are probably fewer that two dozen people in and/or immediately around Aurora who have formed cliques and claques for the single and sole purpose of trying to control as many of us as possible.

They have done so in politics; this has resulted in three lawsuits involving the former mayor. Quite an accomplishment.

The Jazz Festival is another of these many-headed Hydra replete with the same faces and venomous tongues.

They have done so in wresting control of the Historical Society and turning an historic building refurbished with both federal and municipal money into a very worthwhile endeavour but only so long as they are unaccountable for their spending of taxpayer dollars and as transparent as Manitoba gumbo, which is to say not at all.

The people who come to sell their goods and produce Saturdays at the Farmers' Market are either stupid to permit the likes of their "Executive" to promote hate and fear, or they may have been hypnotized into a state of mind where they do not see what has happened to them.

It is hard to feel sorry for a group of innocents whose goods and labour have been kidnapped by a handful of fascists. Why should I support them when their code contravenes the rights and freedoms of Canadians?

Anonymous said...

It seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time, but small vested-interest groups are having their sources of taxpayer largesse looked at closely. The Premier is being squeezed badly and he, in turn, will look to squeeze in return. It's not as though a large number of votes would be impacted if the two Morraine outfits took a hit. And, on the home front, if the Center had to bite the bullet and grow up, it's not as if cultural life in Aurora would dry up. Heck, they could even go on strike.

Anonymous said...

Cllr Buck, can the first couple of comments in this thread be explained by your "Like Children" blog post of the other day?

Anonymous said...

Time to castrate this bull running amuck in Aurora , the only problem is we have too many geldings running the show. who says four year terms are a good thing for municipalities , when the rot goes so deeply into the core its nigh on impossible to rid the poison.
Yours is an up hill battle but please continue for if nothing else this blog is a tonic for relief

Anonymous said...

Aurora taxpayers might be willing to subsidize. IF you had Councillor Gaertner walking a picket line instead of The Art Of Tea.

Anonymous said...

Humphreyes was at Council & didn't know about the Code of Conduct at the Market? It breaks all kinds of rules - we keep giving her a pass but the time has come to ask what she is doing for Aurora taxpayers - like the ordinary ones who don't always dress up and paint faces.