Ontario tree gives hope for Canada’s decimated elms
May 29, 2012 – 8:15 PM ET
Ontario tree gives hope for Canada’s decimated elms
May 29, 2012 – 8:15 PM ET

of University of Guelph
tree on the campus of the University of Guelph has survived, despite its
neighbours succumbing to disease.
of University of Guelph
tree on the campus of the University of Guelph has survived, despite its
neighbours succumbing to disease.
resistant to DED.”
Dutch elm disease decimated tree canopies from the 1940s into the 1980s, the
Canadian urban landscape was transformed.
the victims were three large trees outside the Guelph, Ont., home of bird
enthusiast Philip Gosling, 84. Every May, they had been home to orioles; when
the trees were cut, the birds never returned.

They have been part of our family for dozens of years. Then suddenly, year after
year, they weren’t coming back anymore and the trees were dead,” said Mr.
Gosling, a retired commercial property developer. “We were very sad and
distraught by this. But then, so many other people were. You could see it
coming. It was happening throughout the area and there was a sense of
hopelessness. What was there for us to do? Everyone was losing their trees.
Everyone was losing their orioles.”They have been part of our family for dozens of years. Then suddenly, year after
year, they weren’t coming back anymore and the trees were dead,” said Mr.
Gosling, a retired commercial property developer. “We were very sad and
distraught by this. But then, so many other people were. You could see it
coming. It was happening throughout the area and there was a sense of
hopelessness. What was there for us to do? Everyone was losing their trees.
Everyone was losing their orioles.”So,
when he and his wife, Susan, a plant researcher, went looking for a cause to
donate to in 2009, they wondered if scientists might be able to create a
disease-resistant elm. Armed with their gift of $500,000, Prof. Praveen Saxena
at the University of Guelph embarked on a mission to make genetically identical
copies of a potentially disease-resistant elm tree on Guelph’s campus. It had
survived, even as neighbouring trees did not.
18 months of failed attempts, Prof. Saxena and his team – Prof. Alan Sullivan
and post-doctoral fellows Mukund Shukla and Maxwell Jones — succeeded in cloning
the 100-year-old tree that had survived repeated onslaughts of Dutch
first thought was that we are on to something very big, and this will lead to
something that we all will be proud of,” said Prof.
American Elm, sometimes known as “the lady of the forest,” was a muse to Sylvia
Plath and Robert Frost. Alfred Tennyson called elms “full-foliaged” and
“immemorial.” Ancient Germanic tribes believed women descended from elms. The
Mistress of Fire in the Mongol Wedding Prayer is also said to have come from elm
trees on mountaintops.
of Don Cameron
n Nova Scotia, the tree was so beloved that the wood from felled trees was used
to make sculptures of local heroes.
have been hesitant to re-establish elm because when we did try it in the early
days, they eventually succumbed to Dutch elm disease,” said Don Cameron,
regional forester with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. “So,
this gives us great encouragement to think that we can again re-establish this
beautiful elm urban forest.”
and B.C. managed to largely stave off the disease by preventing infected
firewood from entering their borders — but even in the west, Prof. Saxena’s work
is being watched.
are really excited about this sort of research,” said Janet Feddes-Calpas,
executive director of the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease in Alberta.
“Since the American elm is one of the few species that can survive the extreme
Alberta climactic conditions, we welcome any research that can give us hope to
be able to plant an elm tree that is
elm tree sculpture in Nova Scotia
not the first time a potentially Dutch elm-resistant tree has been cloned. Since
the disease first came to Canada, many tolerant varieties, grown from cuttings
of surviving trees, emerged over the years. However, many of these were only
tested in their juvenile years. So, it is not known if they will survive into
old age. Some of them still “harbour the fungus and display some reduced
symptoms,” said Prof. Saxena.
well, creating these disease-tolerant varieties is difficult because the
cuttings don’t always grow well and the number of cuttings one can get from a
surviving tree is limited. Prof. Saxena’s work also eliminates the need for a
field in which to grow new varieties. His clones can be taken from the test tube
to a pot in about 12 weeks, and then, to a greenhouse or nursery for
Saxena has now created about 3,000 clones in his lab. They are currently being
exposed to various strains of Dutch elm to test their resistance. The new
technology is significant because it could also be used to propogate endangered
trees. Moreover, other popular species like the maple and ash trees have also
suffered from the fatal effects of invasive pests.
hope, at some point, we’ll be able to go to a nursery and pick up an American
Elm variety of some kind with ease and confidence knowing that we can put it in
the ground and that it’s going to be there for generations to come,” said Andrew
Williams, urban forestry coordinator for the Town of
How cool is that !!!!
I think that town should consider placing an order for some trees from the University.
On a related note. Have you seen the new trees along Wellington, east of Bayview ? I'm not sure if some of them are just stressed due to planting or lack of water, but a whole lot of them look dead already. Let’s hope not.
Trees are a great legacy !
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