"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 4 January 2013

Earmarks And Entitlements

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Nothing Less Than Public Trust Is Involved":

"It will not make the building adequate for a culture centre (sic) for the performing arts."

That opinion *might* be valid if it came from someone who had actually attended an event. Regardless, the last three years have proven that Church Street School is much more than "adequate" as the home of Aurora's cultural centre.


I attended the official opening following completion of the renovations/ It had still  not been disclosed , the  space  built for  a museum  had been sneakily and slyly stolen from beneath their feet.
Yet there were those who knew. 
Weeks later, the curator. receiving no help from staff,  was still trying to discover from  the agreement what  rights had been allocated to the museum.
Still theinformation was being withheld. .  
My questions in  public were evaded by Councillors, the Mayor  and staff,  who were certainly in on the deal.
Church Street School was not a new build
In all its different functions over the years, I have become very familiar with the facility. 
As a taxpayer, I am aware of how much was spent to keep the old building standing and the controversy that surrounded whether or not it was worth it. 
We fought the good fight.
Ran the gauntlet of  public controversy .
Established through numerous elections, public support of the concept of the school being the chosen symbol of the town's heritage and values.
We made the decision to use $2.3 million dollars of the hydro asset 
to create a state of the art,modern concept museum.
Still another $750,000 was successfully obtained in a grant from Heritage Canada for the same purpose.  
Only to have the whole purloined by people who were elected to represent public interest as it was clearly understood. 
Now we are  looking at the possibility of an election that promised a fresh start, a new beginning, turning instead into  re-affirmation  of the nefarious activities  of the past Council and administration.
The comment published could be taken to mean two things. 
The eight thousand square feet of programmable space in the building is ample for a performing  arts centre.in Aurora because of sparse  numbers that  attend  events.
Or. it's  more than adequate  because numbers are not sufficient to fill  to capacity the minimum amount of space available.
The main room of the seniors centre likely holds twice as large an audience.
The Council Chamber,  even larger, was built for the purpose but except for once,never a request has been  made,  since th builing was completed , to accommodate a concert in that venue.
A visit to Richmond Hill Performing Arts Centre Web site will enlighten anyone as to an adequate  Performing Arts Centre. 
The web site for Burlington  Performing Arts Centre ,will provide similar insight into what can be considered an adequate Cultural Centre.
Church Street School  with a full-blown autonomous Board of Governors  with a function of  operating self- sufficiently, while receiving almost a million dollars of public resources and meeting  in private confidential ,secret from the public, to decide how the public's  resources  will be spent,, is a contradiction in terms. 
It is blatant betrayal of  the trust, invested in  Council.  to manage  town finances openly and transparently 
Why it happened  in the past is of interest only insofar as to ensure it should not  be continued into  the future.
The decision is political.It's not trivial.
There are no administrative arguments to support  it.
The wrong decision  will be earmarked.          


Anonymous said...

"The comment published could be taken to mean two things..."

Uh, neither of those, actually (but I think you knew that).

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that we are not discussing the purchase of pencils for use at the Town Hall on your blog.

That might go on for hours, days, weeks, months, years, focusing on colour, eraser tipped or not and what colour eraser, lead standard - softer or harder, one or three or how many gross' worth. And how are these to be allocated? What staff are going to get what number of these? How many per councillor?

How many pencil sharpeners will be required to service these pencils and where will they be located?

Should the Town name and logo be printed on the pencils?

May these pencils be given away as souvenirs to visitors, and under whose supervision and authorization?

What sort of policy need be formulated to deal with this issue? Presumably not a By-Law.

This really are many more pressing issue than the Centre. It has occupied too many vacant minds for far too long.

Let's hope that when it comes time to vote Council gets it right and says no.

Anonymous said...

I note with dismay that all this delaying has cost the Centre not one red cent. It has cost taxpayers a great deal of money. And looks as though it is going to cost some politicians their seats at the Council table. Truly sad that it should be this way. We had such high hopes for the then-new Council.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on pencils.

I think that you need to do a study to compare the cost of traditional wood pencils and pencil sharpeners vs. mechanical pencils and replacement lead.

The need for sharpeners is not required with mechanical pencils. A huge saving in capital costs because those devices will have to be depreciated.

I know that the initial cost for a mechanical pencil can be high - especially if you go for Staedler brands, but if you stuck with Pentil it could be a wash.

Mechanical will also allow you to purchase various lead hardness - H / H1 / or my favourite - HB!

Maybe if a ad-hoc committee was formed - say 4 councillors and 4 reps from the public - we could review the options and report back to council around Christmas time 2013. It would be nice to have a policy in place before the next council term.

I think the importance of this trumps the 150 birthday issues.

Anonymous said...

The problem lies in the name of the place which implies that it truly is the centre of culture in Aurora. It is just one location for cultural activities. You have only to read about events all year round in various locations.
Only this one group demands constant funding and cosseting, negotiations and special attention throughout the year. With absolutely no indication that they have any interest in actually becoming less dependent upon Aurora's funding. That was never the plan - the program was to grow with the museum and be an integral part of Aurora.

Anonymous said...

4:47 PM
No more studies & money spent stupidly. You sound like you work with the Toronto District School Board.

Anonymous said...

to 4:47 PM

In an article in today's Star headed "Province renews TDSB contract with expensive maintenance and trades workers"

it looks like the $143 pencil sharpener installation will be around for another couple of years. Wonder how many of these take place annually?

By the sound of your familiarity with pencils of various types and makes I would be quite prepared to place you, as a one person committee, in charge of conducting all studies, assessments, cost comparisons, and ultimately number required, distribution and purchase of same. There's no need to appoint an ad hoc committee. The job's yours.

What we need is similar expertise when it comes to assessing why, how, and at what cost historical and cultural programs can be delivered to our town and its residents.

Possibly a committee of one with a firm budget.

Anonymous said...

In London, the LTA is under attack because their group sucks up the money meant to help tennis throughout the entire country. The same applies in Aurora where one limited board of directors exercises too much control over what should be spread across the town.

Anonymous said...

Toujours le renard.

Anonymous said...

Now that most teachers supply their own pencils, HB are pretty well extinct.