"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 12 January 2014

Sunday Morning Backdrop

Her name is Maeva Evelyn Buck. Isn't that nice?

It's Sunday morning.  My thoughts are dancing  forward in a dozen different directions.

The day stretches ahead and I am free  .

To communicate whatever occurs...

In whatever order.

 I thought of future  generations  of  my family and what they might learn  from archives of the founding generation. J  am not being  entirely fanciful.

The comments were made. They are a matter of record. I was also described as archaic and having been around too long.

I  am the first woman elected to the office of Mayor in Aurora.  First to be elected to a second term.   First  to be elected and serve  for twenty five years and  still going.

I may be first  bag-lady to walk  town streets  courtesy of  resources of  the people who  chose  me  repeatedly to  represent their interest. 

My story is a chronicle of  the age of a generation of politicians who don't  believe they should be criticized.

They think it's new and I am its author.

The only  thing  new is social media.

Criticism is  an occupational hazard of politrics.  It has  and will always be  an essential exchange.

The forum  used to be the Chinese restaurant , often the only one,  on Main Street of every  community  in Ontario.

Gossip didn't wait  for  the  weekly newspaper. It was lively, electric and instantaneous.

Someone was always happy to relay the most salacious item to the person in office, particularly the Mayor

The conventional wisdom of the day :  " If you can;t stand the heat. stay out of the kitchen."

A second :  "Perception is the reality"

It was wise to be aware and note THE perception.

Not wise to offer a public display of  thin skin and indignation .

Politics is an arena in every sense of the word.

Social media is only a new tool in the practice thereoff.

Becoming  less new all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a fine name. Be proud.