"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 17 February 2014

And the question was ?

Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your post "Raw Meat on a bone or a monkey on a stick":

Where was I?
In my home where I live.
In my home where the Town mails a horse-choking tax bill to me every year.
In my home where I write the cheque for the money that the Heritage Park people want to spend.
In my home where I wasn't approached by anyone from the Heritage Park group anxious to tell me about their great $20M idea of which they expected me to pay half.
Not one phone call - not one knock at the door - not one mailing - not one flyer.

And why not?
If it was such a wonderful idea what could be easier than getting the Town behind it?

In my opinion your "where were you?" statement exudes the disingenuous bizzaro reverse-onus sense of civic responsibility nonsense that typifies the tactics special interest groups use in the attempt to advance their pet agendas.

The sad truth is that groups like the Heritage Park DO NOT WANT citizens sticking their oar in by asking uncomfortable questions or expressing disapproval.
Cheerleaders and supporters only please.
The equally sad truth is that not enough councillors realize I didn't hire them to be cheerleaders.
I hired a council that will ask uncomfortable questions on my behalf.

I am the boss.
The council works for me.
This isn't some chickenfeed hand out to a kids hopscotch team.
This is a multimillion dollar expenditure - and not for a 'need' either - but a 'want'.

In what workplace would it ever be acceptable for the employees to take it upon themselves to spend this amount of "mad" money and then dictate to the boss when and where the he may register his displeasure should he choose to do so?

You want to spend that kind of money you come to me and damn well justify it!
I don't go to you!

Unless of course the whole idea was to get this rammed through council before anyone realized what was happening?

What if this project turned into a $20M money-sucking white elephant?
Would that then be my fault because I didn't "do enough" to stop council from going through with it?

Would any councillor try that twisted logic at home?
"I can't believe you bought that new car, you know we can't afford it!"
"Well, I wanted it and you didn't tell me not to."

And would this be a good time to remind the "It's up to taxpayers to come down and get involved" crowd that a good number of taxpayers did exactly that when the last council debated by-election vs appointment after Ms. Marsh resigned?
I was there.

We waited patiently while at least three delegates took to the microphone and spoke in support of a by-election to much applause.
We waited patiently while it was pointed out that the council had placed so much value on the most important item that they placed it last on the agenda.
We waited patiently while they debated.
And then as they looked out over the crowd that was clearly in unanimous support of a by-election - we waited patiently while they voted 6 to 2 for appointment. ( Councillors Buck and Collins-Mrakas the Nays)

So much for the value of civic participation.
Stand and ye shall be heard.
Oh please. 

Posted by Tim the Enchanter to Our Town and Its Business at 17 February 2014 16:05


Anonymous said...

Wow, Tim. That is awesome !

Anonymous said...

Tim for MAYOR!!!

Anonymous said...

It’s obvious everything doesn't happen at the council table. Its one thing to wonder, what kind of politicking is happening behind doors? It’s quite another when you know that there is politicking behind doors. Council continues to use the term “transparent” when clearly it’s not. I think that’s why some of these comments seem so rebellious or restless at times. I hope which ever member of council who may read this comment understands that some of these big ticket “projects” that are suppose to “better our quality of life” is just not ringing true, and that the perception is that it’s bettering the “quality of life” for the selective few.

Anonymous said...

They came to the doors when they were running. They way-laid people at the Market. They held Meet & Greets. They wrote to Blogs. They wrote to newspapers.
Now, we are supposed to chase after them at the end of a dismal term to keep them from making fools of themselves & us.
I think not.

Anonymous said...

I saw somewhere earlier today a reference to a tooth fairy.

I would suggest that the Heritage Park Group have this professionally designed as its Logo.

But this tooth fairy should be seen taking, not giving, leaving behind millions of unhappy children and outraged parents.

Anonymous said...

I think we might have to go the petition route. In the next month or so, someone has to create one, just in case. It has to be completely honest and capable of withstanding pressure.
This current council may be just the first wave of the grab.

Claire Voyant said...

It sounds like Tim's ideal candidate is Kreskin.