"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 25 March 2015


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "AVAST YE SCURVY KNAVES !!!!!":

I have little knowledge as to what goes on at the culture centre. I have read numerous times that services provided elsewhere in town are being duplicated. Could someone provide some examples?
Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 25 March 2015 at 14:29

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "AVAST YE SCURVY KNAVES !!!!!":

You've read that here, 14:29, and there's a high level of repetition on this blog.

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 25 March 2015 at 15:00


The repetition is strategic not by accident. The effect is beneficial to the argument.  People ask questions like the one above and opportunity presents to cover another a different aspect of the matter. 

No stone is left unturned 

Several programs have  been transferred to the old school by invitation. 

High school students recently  mounted an exhibition of their art. The Auroran published a feature on the event. 

Ample space exists within schools to exhibit student art. 

The  York County Board of Education Centre has ideal space to exhibit art within that facility. 

St Andrew's College exhibited an annual art show at the venue as well. They have better than adequate facilities in their own premises. 

I have no problem with either group gaining a larger audience for their work. But no urgent need can be argued for Church Street School to be made available. 

Aurora Town Hall houses the Skylight Gallery built for the purpose of providing a venue for the  Annual Aurora  Class A Art Show. 

The town built a fine  new facility for Aurora Seniors. A  large room full of light provides for all kinds of events. A Concert of Vera Lynn Songs was a feature of Christmas entertainment. 

Next thing we knew, the concert was held at Church Street School with nothing like the amenity of the centre. What was that about? 

The Town's recreation department with various revenue producing programs for children and adults suddenly found themselves in competition with programs at Church Street SchooL

Frequent reference  is made  to the blog of professional service providers scooped by  C.C. programs. 

Aurora Library has many activities beside book lending. All of them can be classified as culture. No need for duplication and yet there is. 

Space at the school is finite and limited. Yet staff are increased and must be accommodated. 

Nothing is going on in that building that could not easily be accommodated elsewhere in town facilities and churches within the community. 

Yes we will keep repeating the facts of the matter. Until every taxpayer In the town has heard the word:

The community is ill- served by such senseless extravagance. 


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Evelyn. I had read that question & was trying to frame a civil response to it. You beat me to it & did a much better job than I could have managed.

Anonymous said...

You can never get too much culture.

I don't see why ALL the locations can't be used and have the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT put out some promotional literature publicizing ALL of them.

This constant griping over a long dead horse is a great big nonsense.

Let's move on to a greater and more glorious future, together.

Anonymous said...

The POINT is that this mess turns up every year as a speed-bump in the budget. Culture existed and thrived in Aurora long before the Centre turned up just a few short years ago.

Anonymous said...

170:09- Communications Department? Now that's funny.

Anonymous said...

Right. Blame the communications department because you cannot communicate on what you take in........ you have an advertising budget which we subsidize.

Anonymous said...

In this Town, “Culture“ costs a lot of money. How much of your hard earned cash are you willing to give up for this essential service that will bring you apparently and “exceptional quality of life“?

Anonymous said...

With Mr Ballard on the Homeless

Anonymous said...

Well said Evelyn. Just want to make a comment, if we are talking Aurora Culture, Sky Light Gallery, APL gallery and Aurora Cultural Centre attracts artists from outside Aurora. Would it be fair to charge those outside Aurora a small fee? Or they already do?

Anonymous said...

The Center have programs taught by those who live outside of this Town.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read the Mayor's glowing report in his Auroran column this week. specifically referencing the magnificent new exterior of the Leisure Centre.

But a letter to the editor from someone who obviously uses many of the Leisure Centre facilities is of a different mind, detailing the inadequacies of virtually every available exercise area.

Methinks what's inside is far more important than what's outside. Maybe some window coverings to keep the sun from frying people while they try and exercise, for a start.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read the Mayor's glowing report in his Auroran column this week. specifically referencing the magnificent new exterior of the Leisure Centre.

But a letter to the editor from someone who obviously uses many of the Leisure Centre facilities is of a different mind, detailing the inadequacies of virtually every available exercise area.

Methinks what's inside is far more important than what's outside. Maybe some window coverings to keep the sun from frying people while they try and exercise, for a start.

Anonymous said...


And not just exercise areas.

How about lockers designed for "mouses?" Small ones at that.

Anonymous said...

The Community Hub in Richmond Hill was a major political sore point for many in Richmond Hill. They built this building right on Yonge st. on prime commercial land in an area that already has many subsidized housing units. Above the drop in Youth center will be additional subsidized units. Its an area already riddled with crime. It will be interesting to see what the area will become in the not to distant future. When the Town gave the thumbs up for the build, my mom put her house up for sale and was out within a matter of months.

Anonymous said...

18:40 - Who exactly is "you" and "we"?

There seems to be a real difficulty for some here in seeing the town as a whole, rather than as petty, perceived factions.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, with this "you" and "we" thing. I didn't right the comment...but I'll help you out. "We" as in the residents of Aurora, and "You" as in the entitled at the Center.

Anonymous said...

Is that the building right beside the Beer Store?

Anonymous said...

Give it a break.
A question was asked about possible duplication of services by the centre.
There were a number of responses, hopefully some of which were of use. I did not see any comments arguing that there was no duplication.
It has nothing to do with factions. If the centre wants respect from Aurorans, it is going to have to earn it just like other outfits. So far it is just an annoying drain of finances.

Anonymous said...

"I did not see any comments arguing that there was no duplication."

Remember, not all comments get published.

Anonymous said...

11:58- Yup, that's the one.