"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 3 March 2016


TAnonymous has left a new comment on your post "BETWEEN FEAST AND FAMINE": 

There is that nut bar who was involved with that dragon's den nonsense. He says he will run for either party.. 

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 3 March 2016 at 17:58


There is a difference in Canada. The political party authorises nominations. 

Candidates and elected members can be expelled by the leader if they bring discredit to the party. 

Leaders are not elected at large. They are chosen by party members. But they must be elected to
Office in a riding. Dodgy  stuff can happen in the process. Like buying the leadership by selling the greatest number of memberships. 

The new leader of Ontario Conservatives was not the establishment choice.  It remains to be seen how well he sails his boat at Queen's Park. Casual party members without commitment don't provide much ballast. 

Leaders can be removed in a leadership convention.

Attack ads against B.B. are flooding Florida and elsewhere but the target audience do not accept them. People can not be made to believe nor told how to vote. 

They have a very negative reaction to anyone who tries.

Last week Charlie Rose had an author on his  show. The  book discussed was a phsychological study of a typical con artist and the perfect scam. It was a week before Romney made his speech. 

Among other things, the writer talked about how the con artist doesn't TAKE  from victims.They beg to let them give him whatever it is he wants . 

The con artist knows how to go about encouraging unquestioning trust and generosity. 

It could explain why B.B. looks like he's enjoying himself so much while he flaunts his talent on the world-wide  stage.

The prize is the Office of President. 

If it all works out, the least sophisticated members of the American community will give him what he wants. 


Anonymous said...

Trump's personality sets off so many psychological warning signs that one would think he should have been in trouble throughout
his life. But then you realize that he has been insulated by a huge amount of money. If something or someone gets in his way. he just gives his lawyers a call and " Poof" the problem vanishes. Now he wants the highest, biggest prize on his landscape.

Anonymous said...

Trump may be a con artist, but there are very few politicians that are not cons. Even when they do provide what they promised it always comes with a price, a very large price. Talks of "revenue neutral" scams are just that....scams. Scams that only con artists create. So what makes Trump any different than any other politician?

Anonymous said...

He is different because even he does not know what he is going to say within a given period.
He is also full of the proverbial s..... and feeds on the worst of American fears, angers and hates.
Have a good day - it is lovely out there.

Anonymous said...

That's one scary dude. He has never been in the military, done public service of any kind or catered to anyone except himself.
Americans just love their " heroes ".

Anonymous said...

They are comparing Trump to Regan. Both were actors.

Anonymous said...

15:36 -Sounds like most of our politicians

Anonymous said...

I agree, would much rather hear "sunny days, sunny days"

Anonymous said...

He has allowed them to say and do what they dared not. And they think they are being ' respectful ' aa those who disagree
get thrown from their midst. Someone is going to get hurt on a street corner or at a rally. It is almost inevitable. And Mr Trump will decide it was deserved.

Anonymous said...

Except for the last statement you might have also been referring to Justin Trudeau.
In his case the last sentence would have read " Canadians sure love their selfies"

Anonymous said...

Does anyone now where Crystia Freeland is
The motor mouth Trudeau hand picked international trade minister who made a fool of herself on Bill Mahers show.
Has she been muzzled a la Harper?

Anonymous said...

Everything for you is anti-Trudeau. He has a long time left in his mandate. When Harper came to power, he had to learn
the ropes too.

Anonymous said...

Mr Trump may believe he can control the tiger he has by the tail. I think he is wrong.

Anonymous said...

13:31- Well his 100+ days in power hasn't been all that sunny.

Anonymous said...

Not any different from the anti Harper cadre that graced this blog or the print media daily. Only difference is I recognized they had the same right as I do to disparage the sitting Prime Minister without being labelled.

Anonymous said...

Nor too cloudy. The refugee numbers were met without the sky falling in. Legislation is coming on several important fronts and even the pot file which I thought would have to wait is moving along slowly. The economy is certainly a major factor but would be for any government, new or old. Really, we deserve a quiet period before hostilities are renewed.

Anonymous said...

Disparage away but it is frightfully boring.

Anonymous said...

00:04- We wouldn't be seeing any sky falling at this date and time. We would be seeing the impact economically after this year and the years ahead. It's unfortunate how many others around the world that have the same dire need have to take a back seat. As far as quiet time, the provincial budget has been met with some pretty bad reviews, and we will see what the Feds have in store for us later on this month.

Anonymous said...

May i suggest that if you want to do the conservative thing, you concentrate on provincial matters. Aurora did not do well there last time. Could do a lot better.

Anonymous said...

Aurora hasn't done well in any of the 4 levels of government.