"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 28 May 2012

The Things You Hear

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "By The Way":

Does the permit say anything that fences are NOT permitted?

 The permit states  in detail what is permitted..That is the  purpose of a permit.
It states a user fee is to be paid  for the band shell and zero for use of various parts of the park.
No fence or sub-leasing to vendors is permitted in the permit. 
On the other hand, the Parks Bylaw state  no fences shall be erected by anyone. 
The Director has sole authority to allow a fence to be erected.
The  Parks Bylaw makes it clear, food and  beverage vendors are allowed at the sole discretion of the Director. 
It would seem therefore, there has never been any authority for the St Kitts Jazz Festival, now known as the Aurora Artisan's Fair, to erect a fence or lease space to vendors in the town's park
They did not have  authority to do it before.
They do not have it now.
So now, it appears, all that is needed is to ensure the Bylaw is observed 
No fence is erected.
 No vendors  permitted to locate and vend  from  a party without authority to provide them.
At the week-end I heard  of Farmers Market vendors possibly being offered a better deal  from the Artisan's Fair than the town gives 


Anonymous said...

Hey. Even I could give the vendors a better deal if I were leasing the Town Park to them. Has everyone gone completely nuts? You cannot sell or or lease what you do not own. It simply is not legal. We need to hear from the town solicitor before this gets a single step further.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if the few wheeler/dealer types even SEE Aurora. They treat it like a cash-cow instead of a town. How they managed to find each other remains a puzzle but there is nothing altruistic about their activities.

Anonymous said...

We have this strange neighbour who hangs out with a bunch of nudists. He would love to have the Park every so often in order to show off. Sick thought, but I don't see why not if others can just take it over.