"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 31 March 2010


Tell Tale Tit
Your tongue will be slit
And every little puppy dog
Will have a little bit

Gruesome eh.

There was nothing soft or sissy about my childhood in Scotland. Between it, the weather and the craggy landscape, they go a long way to explain a typical Scottish personality. It's chiseled from the impervious. Whatever shape it takes, it never wears down.

Last night's closed session was interesting. I had said previously I would not attend for the part dealing with "solicitor/client information re the Westhill Development application" I believed the issue should be discussed in public.

I changed my mind about not participating .

If I have to be there, why would I forfeit an opportunity to argue the question.

Well that brought on hissy fits of significant dimension . Councillor Mac Eachern indignantly left the room and the Mayor rose to her full height and declared her intention to "go out there and make a statement to the press that I was bringing the town's business to a halt"

I suggested respectfully she should do what she must. As I would.

She didn't. I did.

She demanded to know if I intended to breach confidentiality. I said I had questions if she would allow me to ask them.

A tussle ensued. Eventually I indicated I would visit Mr. Cooper and ask my questions privately.

Well no that didn't suit Madam either. Somehow or other the words "unethical" and "moral" worked themselves into the thread of her comments.

Eventually Councillor MacEachern returned quietly and sat back at the table.

We had quorum plus one . Councillors, Gaertner. Wilson and Gallo were absent.I had a phone call from the Mayor's administrative assistant before the meeting to determine if I would be there. Councillor Collins Mrakas received an e-mail with the same query.

Such inquiries are normally the purview of the Clerk's office .

The agreement and appointment of the new Integrity Commissioner, David Tsubuchi was also on the agenda.

Three Councillors present are on record as opposed to an appointment with only five months left in the term.

Three Councillors present are in favour of the appointment.

The vote would have been tied.A tie vote is defeated .

Councillor Gallo appeared shortly after ten, in time to cast his vote in favour.

Well done, good and faithful servant.


Anonymous said...

Although I wouldn't put it past this group of convicts, I'm disgusted by their actions. The gang of six can't bear to lose a vote so they have to drag someone in at the last minute just to sway it? I wonder whether Gallo is okay with being a pawn. I'm thoroughly appalled.

What a crock of shit.

Something Fishy in Aurora said...

"Councillor Mac Eachern indignantly left the room "

Phone in hand no doubt...

I think at this point the rest of the councilor’s should just give the Madame their votes via proxy…..then they don’t need to show up to any further meetings.


Anonymous said...

"Phone in hand no doubt..."

I'm surprised she even left the room before yanking Gallo the Unelected's chain to get him in for the vote.

Woof, woof.

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is the Mayor, Granger, MacEachern and Gallo conspired ahead of time on how they were voting. Did MacEachern hold up a sign saying "yes" to Granger and Gallo (as I've heard has happened before on votes) The three G's and Wilson are spineless, pathetic, losers. I don't know how any of them can show there face around town. This is absolutely disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Dumb question - is it proper to vote on an issue when you weren't part of the discussion or meeting leading up to the vote?

Anonymous said...

Are you starting to allow four letter words in your blog comments? If so, I can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

Dear Evelyn:

I begin to worry about a decline in standards when I see four letter words starting to pop up.

How far is it from "sh-t" to the "F" word and others?

Mind, you they may be justified.

I prefer methods of cooking, i.e. "take one stuffed Mare, usually naturally stuffed with her own vile bile, place on spit in slow roasting oversized AGA, cover with 25 lbs. bacon and various sprigs of greenery, including poison oak and ivy, let rotate for three hours, then place entire body into huge crock pot and allow to simmer for 24 hours.

At the end of this period throw away all the solids and use the liquids to top-dress your flower beds.