"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 11 March 2010

A Reader Asks

Would Council do the same to the Public School Board?

Well Bless your heart, Yes. York's public school board has certainly come in for its share of criticism and harrassment. When re-location of Dr. Williams High School was contemplated, arguments against were the opposite of arguments against the location of the Catholic High School on Wellington Street.

Susan Walmer's organisation skills immediately reared into orbit. An instant rally was planned. Space at the Town Hall was requested . Ms Walmer lost patience entirely with Chief Administrative officer John Rogers and castigated him by e-mail for tardiness in providing a date for Chamber availability.

Ms Walmer is very confident of her authoritative role in the town's affairs. E-mailing external solicitors at taxpayers cost is also apparently within her purview.

The main argument about the benefits of Williams staying in its current location was the importance of the student and teacher population to the neighbourhood economy. Councillor Gaertner was chief spokesperson for that argument. As she was for the argument against locating the Catholic school on Wellington Street because it was not an economic advantage.

The councillor's inability to understand relatively familiar and simple matters is frequently stated by herself. But she is a favourite spokesperson for the Mayor. The Councillor is always willing to enlist in the on-going cause of righteousness when there's an enemy to be vanquished.

If one contemplates the number of times that's happened in the last three and a half years, one might conclude, no other public or private agency or individual is competent to manage affairs better than the Mormac regime can manage them for them.

Ontario Hydro , CNN , Ontario Municipal Board, Ministry of Environment, Divisional Court, Separate School Board, Public School Board, Canadian Tire, York Transit, Aurora Library Board, Aurora Cable T.V. Town Administration,The Auroran. Not to mention highly paid consultants and a succession of lawyers who have come and gone.

The list of lesser lights who fade in the glow of Mormac brilliance continues apace.

I have heard on the grape vine ,the Town's new Integrity Commissioner has slipped into the town hall after hours for a private conference with our Chief Magistrate.


Anonymous said...

"The councillor's ability to understand is frequently stated by herself."

Shouldn't that read, "inability"? The poor woman does struggle with grasping even the simplest of facts and ideas.

Broderick Epps said...

"Ms Walmer is very confident of her authoritative role in the town's affairs. E-mailing external solicitors at taxpayers cost is also apparently within her purview."

An unelected non full time employee doing this is absolutely disgusting. Where else in the municipalities surrounding Aurora does this occur? Mayor Morris by allowing this once again is showing she really has no control of council or her friends.
What about town staff? Are they now just figureheads occupying chairs with no real mandate?

Broderick Epps said...

"Ms Walmer is very confident of her authoritative role in the town's affairs. E-mailing external solicitors at taxpayers cost is also apparently within her purview."

An unelected non full time employee doing this is absolutely disgusting. Where else in the municipalities surrounding Aurora does this occur? Mayor Morris by allowing this once again is showing she really has no control of council or her friends.
What about town staff? Are they now just figureheads occupying chairs with no real mandate?