"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 16 September 2010


The Aurora Library Board has it's own web site. Everything you need to know about the Board . Meetings, Agendas, Minutes are all there for anyone to access.

The Town uses the library as an information resource for our own purposes. Town Documents are displayed at the library for anyone to read.

The minutes for last night's board meeting are probably not posted yet. But the agenda likely is there. Ms Beaton's motion was circulated with the agenda beforehand.

Ms. Beaton's motion was seconded by Councillor Wilson. Both have been board members for some time . The Board meets once a month except in summer. If either member, at any time, thought the board was not following proper procedures for public business, they had the responsibility to make their objections known.

They never did.

Instead they chose the eve of an election to make unfounded accusations of impropriety against the Library and The Board.

It's not a secret Geoff Dawe is a candidate for the Office of Mayor. Mr. Dawe has been a member of the library board for the past seven years. The first term appointed by the last Council , of which the current Mayor was a member. The second term by the current Mayor and Council.

I have been a member of the Board for the same period. Nothing happening now is different to what has happened throughout that period .

You don't have to be a genius to figure out the plot.

It's a shame the Library and the Librarian have to be dragged down into the murky side of politics to serve a nefarious purpose .

By the way, Louise,The Librarian is C.E.O. and not C.A.O. as I stated before. I found that out on the Library Board website.


Anonymous said...

Just checked, the minutes are not up yet. However, the agenda refers to an e-mail from Ms. Beaton, the contents of which I assume relate to her motion. Do you have that e-mail, and can you share?

Anonymous said...

Dear Evelyn:

This may not be the most appropriate post on which to share this with you and your readers, but the word on the street and in the hair salons is that Phyllis is really pissed off at not having Hoedown tickets,

Too bad!

Anonymous said...

She could have bid on them at Geoff Dawe's fundraiser last night. There was quite a crowd but I"m sure she would have known lots of people.

Anonymous said...

How long has Rebecca Beaton been on the Library Board? And, how did she get appointed?