"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 3 November 2012


Faced with widespread catastrophic damage, the extent of which
cannot be fully understood in the circumstance, in New York and surrounding areas,  who would wish to be responsible for responding to  this  crisis in its many different faces. 
Who would  like  to be  Mayor of New York or any affected  town, or Governor of a State or President of the Nation , charged with responsibility of correcting  all the problems and meeting everyone's need ?
How bad does a catastrophy have to be before it's acknowledged  to be beyond human capacity?
Is that totally unthinkable? 
Could panic  be a definite risk?
Would not the obvious priority be to  prevent panic and provide assurance the best that can be done will be done? 
To maintain a sense of normalcy wherever it can be found.?
So the Mayor of New York first said the  Marathon would go ahead. Before the full extent of  catastrophe had been determined but at a time when above all else  calmness  and confidence was needed 
Later he changed the decision.
Erin, a bright young journalist on CNN, the twenty-four hour news channel   commented ;
" Mayor Bloomberg finally came to his senses"
She's a pretty little thing, dark hair, flashing eyes and a winning smile. 
Her reading style is without peer. She doesn't hesitate to ask provocative questions, fully confident  her superior grasp of the situation is sufficient to allow her to make the disparaging comment about the Mayor's judgement.Never fora moment imagiig she might be contributing to the real and constant danger, mayhem could erupt  instantaneously. 
The National Guard have another function.  
Oh to have the luxury of never having to second-guess oneself  beyond the competition to coin the best phrase that might bring one to national attention.
The New York catastrophe has all the potential of growing worse before it  gets better. Efforts to contain it must be super-human.Who can give such a guarantee?
They need our prayers or whatever else it might take to get them through.    


Anonymous said...

There is a winter storm that might hit N.Y. It will be very interesting to see the voter #'s for N.Y. and New Jersey. I cannot recall a similar situation affecting the votes of so many people. Can anyone else?

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers are tough, resilient and bloody stubborn. They didn't have any murders for 2-3 days, car pools are now in effect, hitch-hiking is common once more. It is the infrastructure that can cause problems. And Police have better things to do than guard gas stations.

Anonymous said...

Gas rationing according to your car license, odd & even days, seems to be working. It is odd that the National Guard haven't been called in but there must be a solid reason.