"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 26 November 2012

Pray Tell

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "SO, You Disagree": 
Once again, you assume and you are wrong. 
I am not a new resident, quite the opposite. 
I recall your "fight" about water rates. You're right, the report is probably on the Town's web site. There is probably a lot of stuff on the Town's web site but it is almost impossible to find anything on that wacky URL. 
My comment to you is that you post comments about a report, with out the benefit of the report. The comments are from an unnamed source that appears to have a political issue with a Councillor to the point of using names in a condescending manner. I think the source is somewhat suspect.

You withhold your identity. I am forced to make an assumption. 
You cannot prove me wrong without making an assumption.
The argument is axiomatic.
You refer  to comments from an unnamed source being  condescending and suspect.
Your  comments are from an unnamed source.
May we suspect you have a political issue with myself. 
 So , what was your point ?   


Anonymous said...

Mayor Ford has been found guilty. I wonder how that one is going to reflect on that of Morris. Seems to me a whole lot more money was at stake in Aurora. Have to wait & see.

Anonymous said...

How does this reflect on any charitable event that a current politician supports and does through their office?

The Ford case and the Morris case are very different.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder how that one is going to reflect on that of Morris."

Why would it? A different case. Ford's was one of actual $s and Morris is about perception of $s by a faction that have a problem with 3 years of Aurora's history.

Anonymous said...

To: 11:18

Another sad example of how democracy is dead in this country.

By the same token, the Toronto Star will probably hold a fireworks display tonight at their builing on Yonge. At least some will be happy.

Anonymous said...

Democracy is dead, 2:25 PM?! That such a buffoon could get elected shows that it's very much alive.

Anonymous said...

1:44 PM The reason for one case to reflect upon others is simply legal jurisprudence. Called case law. There is very little case law dealing with municipal conflict of interest cases. Hence, all cases quote from the same files. The Ford case is now a part of that history. And, it will be used in ALL future cases of the same kind. To further elaborate would be take too much time, but
no sensible lawyer fails to use all available information.
The Ford verdict is fairly lengthy and has plenty of interesting points.

Anonymous said...

When this is over & The Newmarket judge has rendered her verdict, whichever way that might be, I look forward to hearing 1:44 p.m define ' perception 'of money. Sure must be different from my own.

Anonymous said...


Democracy is very much dead when someone that is elected by the public can be removed from office by one individual.

Regardless that he is a "buffoon", 50% + 1 of the voters in Toronto felt that he was the best candidate. Now those thousands of voters have been ripped off.