"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 15 November 2012

That Reminds Me

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Here We Go Roud the Mulberry Bush.":

Seems to me that some Councillors are just so daft and without common sense.

Of course it's the residents that encourage this sort of thing. How much more light pollution will a Target sign generate over and above all of the light coming from the street lights and the retail operations that are already there?

I'm breaking another of my rules 1.11 pm.
I removed the last para to be able to print the first part.
Your comment reminds me of a point I wanted to make about Premier  McGuinty's  catastrophic decision to cancel the two gas fired hydro generators.

Undoubtedly pressure from the electorate in those two ridings made him do  it. It doesn't excuse the decision  but it does throw light on the part played by the electorate during elections.
The first is exploitation of opportunity to successfully pressure politicians to make bad decisions. 
The second is failure on everybody's part,to encourage politicians to stand up to the pressure. 
I think the  social media will have an impact  in  future.  
We are not there yet.
 But there will come a day when people will realise responsibility does not end with simply casting a ballot.
Politicians need to  know  right decisions will be recognised.by the majority.  
The media summary of the American  presidential election 
changed little this time around. 
Details of strategy were  examined inside out. As always, everything was talked about save one obvious factor; the ability of the electorate to discern which candidate was in their corner as opposed to the one who  was not. 
The electorate  never receives credit.
But  look at the  voter analysis.
Young people, women and minorities, groups who have traditionally been  rendered powerless by  failure  to participate 
I think  white male majorities in the States where petitions to secede are being  collected  have been  first to recognise
Emancipation has taken hold at last.
The Dream Sill Lives. The Work Begins Again        .

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