"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 16 July 2015


,When a comment is received in response to one  identified by a time line, I have to go into published comments and scroll down looking for the time before I make the decision to publish or not. Sometimes the date is all that's recorded. 

It's a nuisance. 

If contributors gave  themselves a nom-de-plume, I might remember the comment being responded and save myself a step. It might also help to discern between friend  and foe. 

The nasty one tried calling me by my first name to trick me into publishing.
Like Duh !

So hostile yet can't stay away or control the desperation to be mean  and still get published on my blog.

Go figger!

"Something Fishy in Aurora" has participated on the blog since it started in August 2007. Helpful information and links are often supplied that prove the accuracy of my argument. It's a good feeling
to know I'm not alone. 

Others concerned for my well -being urge me to take a break and go out and enjoy the sunshine and the garden. 

When I see  a comment from Kanon, there's a little rush of excitement. It can be support for an argument or a logical alternative but it's  always a pleasure. 

The blog is an important part of my life. Though anonymous, those who share it are important to me. They make me feel it matters. 

I matter. 


Anonymous said...

Of course you matter - even late at night after a bad day, I will click on your bookmark

Anonymous said...

We did try the pseudo-names once , I think around election time, but the few nasty types were going after those who were identified asking about their friends and how many trees they had on their property. And all sorts of nonsense. One even got accused of some matrimonial infraction.
But, OK, I have used Sprite on comments and I don't care if I get outed

Anonymous said...

Is this a lawn tennis day for the Historicals ?
Just Asking

KA-NON said...

I agree with you, Evelyn, that pseudonyms are much easier to follow, and over time they take on a certain personality. It adds colour to the blog.

On the subject of anonymity generally, I have often considered posting under my own name, rather than "KA-NON". I feel, however, that being identifiably anonymous allows me to say exactly what I think needs to be said, without attracting any negative/personal blow-back.

That said, I don't hide behind the moniker in order to simply be rude or mean or both. When I post, I try to do so in a way that I would personally not be embarrassed, ashamed, or apologetic about, should people know it was me. When I do speak with people in town about town matters, including councilors, I hope that I am consistent with my views.

Keep up the good work, Evelyn. You do matter.

Anonymous said...

There used to be a number of people that had a name on their posts that are no longer here. Did they get driven underground? I can't remember too many of them. There was a person that got under Mr Watt's skin alot.

Anonymous said...

That would have been the one named after a historical guy - Robert the Bruce ?
I enjoy Christopher but he was quite irrational on that subject.
A year or so ago, he reappeared briefly.

Anonymous said...

A lot of votes indicated that you mattered.
There would have been even more if you had not got caught in the cross-fire between the two sides, neither one nor the other.
Plus that blasted door-knocker.
I still recall the names of candidates who found that amusing. A Mr H and a Mr P

Anonymous said...

The former Robert the Bruce comments here...anonymously. He was the one that had recently travelled to London and visited numerous government-supported cultural institutions.

No, it's not me.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, how the hell does this get legs, after what happened with the SLAPP in this town? Evelyn can we boot a town from a Region?


Anonymous said...

I do not think that is true.

Anonymous said...

@ 18:27
Stop trying to identify commenters.
If it is who you say, at least he is contributing to the Blog.
Unlike some

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you've heard it all. I tried to find it on their agenda it seems like they use the same communication staff we do. Couldn't find a thing. Hope the Error skewed this story, and it's just BS.

Anonymous said...

Move in anything around the house that might take off - weather could get snarly

Anonymous said...

You would think Georgina would know better. their now-former mayor tried to sue his own staff. Really messy .Maybe that is part of why he is former. Still there must have been a staff change for the knowledge to have been lost.
And it does not have to be debated if its just administrative - I think, not sure

Anonymous said...

I am getting sick and tired of this revisiting all the old crap that has occurred in Aurora. Why does anyone care about stale and stinking history? Our lives are before us surely, not behind.

The most moving story I have read recently was in last week's Auroran and was about a Hoedown for Special Needs kids. This is an event, to be held for the very first time, and demonstrates the care and affection that a number of adults have for these kids, who are special in more ways than one.

Evelyn, you in particular can attest to this.

It's summer, a time when we should be with our families, doing and seeing all the things we cannot do and see while school is in session.

So let's lighten up and leave the past to simmer in its old black cauldron.

If you are truly obsessed with the past, leave it until winter.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again! Hello there! ... This is EVELYN'S blog! She writes what she chooses! And I personally love to read ALL she has to say.

You're Not the Boss of Me said...

If it's not you, 09:11, what the hell do you care?

Anonymous said...

Wish we could, 20:20, but there are still bits and pieces outstanding.
However, life has not come to a halt. Today was enough to keep any one awake even in Aurora

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

You sound like my niece with " You're not the Boss of Me "....
She's almost 4 years old

Anonymous said...

Council originally wanted $250,000 to establish "Radio Free Aurora" - media tool that could be used to broadcast propaganda about our town.

Maybe not as subversive as "Tokyo Rose" broadcasting from Japan during WWII to shake American forces in the Pacific.

Apparently they settled for $10,000 for a carpet and who knows what.

Whose brainchild is this? Possibly it's to work alongside the proposed Department of Tourism. Have councillors lost their collective minds? Possibly the heat is getting to them. They should hold meetings in the rec swimming pool to keep cool.

Anonymous said...

Is Summit Golf Course for sale ? I thought I saw a For Sale sign but was trying to get past an accident so couldn't check. There sure are a lot of accidents in the Hill. Must have seen 3 and the traffic was not too bad.

Anonymous said...

It is another of the Mayor's visions. Sort of like the Heritage Park fandango. It was supposed to assist in time of trouble like the Ice Storm when no one could get any information. Except that it won't because it is a real loser with $10.000 from the taxpayers as seed money.
See Mr Watts for more detail - I'm not a detail person

Anonymous said...


Did you not pick up on the friends of the Mayor members on their board?

Anonymous said...

What a load of garbage that radio station is.

In times of trouble my ass.

They want a quarter mil for a recording studio

Anonymous said...

14:44- Didn't here that it was, but Cardinal Golf course sold.

Anonymous said...

Culture has a big piggy bank.

Anonymous said...

The same as with Heritage scheme ? That time he at least had his name up front.

Not Your Niece said...

Glad to see you picked up on the obvious humour, 09:34.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if the communication department won't work, why not try a radio station ? I am sure if will be very helpful if the power is cut during an emergency. Oh, does a radio station require power ? A rather big oops. We should have gone with the medicinal pot instead of trying to bar such a sinful product from our town..........................

Anonymous said...

19:29- The medicinal pot made too much sense. That's why it got ixnayed. It has to be a totally ludicrous idea that will cost taxpayers a lot of money for them to consider.

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that they stated that the antenna would be located at the Cultural Center. Why there and not at the Leisure center where they want to put the station?

Anonymous said...

It would be funny, I suppose, the determination of our mayor to spend the former hydro fund.
Except that that money is not his.
It belongs to the entire town of Aurora.
He should just keep his hands out of the pockets of others,
There are plenty of pot-holes waiting to be repaired

Anonymous said...

Why not let them use Petch ? They could do all the work to fix it up using their own pool of talent [ if there is any besides talk about the money of others ] and weddings could be held during the quiet hours [ which would be all the time ].

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know where the money is from that is maintaining the Hydro building grounds. I've seen towns staff in trucks with equipment on the property.

Anonymous said...


Mr Mobbs, the proponent of the station, said at the council meeting that a professional study determined it to be the best location. Presumably, it has to be on a Town-owned building of a certain height, without obstruction or interference, and providing the best coverage area.

Anonymous said...

Pot holes? Nah! I think that the Town should get into the icecream business. We only have one private business that provides this service, and I believe that it would enhance our quality of life. I'm sure if staff looked into this idea and payed a small of money doing a study, the Hydro fund should probably cover it.

Anonymous said...

The trouble with this council, or any other for that matter, is that it doesn't think big enough. If it thinks big it thinks stupid.

We have a glorious parcel of land in the very heart of town, and it languishes while all sorts of half-brained ideas have been bantered about.

The site on "Library Square" would make a perfect home for a boutique hotel occupying the lower four floors and luxury condominiums on the upper six floors. It would be of "Four Seasons" calibre featuring luxury appointments, superb dining, spa and a handful of exclusive shops. The condominiums would be world class and expensive. Maybe some of the Magna executives might elect to live here after the company moves its head office to King. They would have to travel to Toronto's Yorkville to find its equal. This building might help to draw visitors to Aurora, i.e. tourists who would spend money locally.

Yes, there is a slight problem - PARKING. Possibly council could put its mind to solving this. They do know about parking, if little else.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of pot holes, lol, after they fixed cracks on the parts of Industrial Parkway recently, it feels like driving over dead snakes.

Anonymous said...

They should just level few buildings for parking, it will take away 'what to do stress.'

Anonymous said...

Best idea yet!

Fab 4 said...

"I read the news today, oh boy,
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small,
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall."

That was written in 1966.... Not much has changed in almost 50 years and thousands of miles.

Anonymous said...

Well, we got Mr Gallo's proposed parkland - at a cost which does not include legal expenses. I do hope those people realize that they might not get all parkland and might have to allow SOME new buildings and residents.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand ....why did the mayor's charity golf give money to the radio station proponents ?
Is it a charity ?

Anonymous said...

11:15-It's nonprofit, just like that SCC.

Anonymous said...

The Radio idea could be a fun thing. Unfortunately fun things cost money. $250,000, It's not that fun... $10,000 sounds reasonable. We can have all sorts of interesting people around Town, businesses, residents, schools, Town Hall (notice how I listed Town hall last?)on the airwaves. The first guest on the airwaves should be Evelyn!

Anonymous said...

I like the ice-cream idea. Only...can we have a chip truck as well?. Every Town has one, we don't!

Anonymous said...

ah, them

Anonymous said...

Granger won't allow ice cream in parks.

Anonymous said...

Not-for-profits can and do make money.Sunshine lists galore on some outfits.

Anonymous said...

I do not think they want to share.
I also do not think the town should be in the real estate business.
The councillors left over from the last term were atrocious when it came to handling property imo

Anonymous said...

Cllr Thompson was quite clear when he voted to do the court challenge that no promises of a park were being made by him. The others could be all over the place on this.

Anonymous said...

Time for a new post.

This one is dribbling all over the place, like ice-cream on a granger.

Anonymous said...

15:34- Who the heck doesn't like ice-cream? Geez..we have all sorts of crazies in this Town.

Anonymous said...

Putting this here to end this stream

There are 2 good articles in the Int'l New York Times if you can access them
Dr Seuss Book: Yes. they found It In a Box
Alexandra Auter
Review :" What Pet Should I get ? " a New Book From Dr. Seuss
Michiko Kakutani