"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 17 July 2010

Another Unbelievable Decision in Two Parts

I left the Council table at ten-minutes past eleven on Tuesday.The meeting had been chaotic.The Mayor worse than usual in abuse of the chair's authority.

I was in mid comment about the use of $150,000 contributed by Smart Centres in the last term. Supposedly to alleviate problems in the commercial block between Wellington and Mosely Street caused by the development of Smart Centres.

The town had no authority to demand the money. The developer had no obligation to pay it.

It was not coincidence, it was paid at various stages of the development as permits became due.

Time is money to developers , they frequently pay up to placate the people with power to hold up their project. By my standard, it is at the same time, soliciting and offering a bribe . I don't believe there is anything honest about the process.

I've never found anyone who shared my view. Even if the developers agreed, they never gave a hint for fear of offending "The Power"

On Tuesday, the question of how the money was intended to be used was on the table.

I was recognised to speak. I provided background to the creation of the fund. Within the body of my comments, I described it was obtained by extortion.I choose my words for greatest effect.I like people to know what I think about things .I think it's my job.

Councillor Gaertner immediately, on a point of order, objected to my language. Once again, a Councillor and the Mayor took upon themselves the role of arbiter of language

I am in the habit of leaving the Council table at the hour of adjournment. Unless something is being accomplished. If business has ground to a halt and Councillors after three and a half hours have reached the point of crabbing and bitching ...that's when I leave. I can crab and bitch with the best. I don't choose to do it as a Councillor.

Nor did I not run for office to be subjected to it.

Unfortunately it's a frequent circumstance and not entirely happenstance.I believe it's a part of the scheming and plotting previously mentioned.

Tuesday 's was our one meeting in July.It was a heavy agenda.

At ten minutes past eleven, we were still at the table when Councillor Gaertner decided she knew better than I, what language is permissible in a Council debate. She called a point of order.

At that point I left.

1 comment:

White Knight said...

How fascinating that Councillor Gaertner has appointed herself as the language police. Too bad she hadn't done that on June 22nd when the resident from the "baseball diamond light kerfuffle" called you a liar. Not even a whisper from Ms. Gaertner then. Double standards, double standards, double standards constantly in this GOS council.