"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 25 July 2010

Sample of Mormac Competence, Efficiecy and Integrity

In the June General Committee Meeting of Council a question was asked:

Why has the Trail Connection from Elizabeth Hader Park not commenced?


Minutes from the Trails Sub-Committee meeting of September 11.2009, considered at the October 15. 2009 meeting of Leisure Services Committee Meeting , and recommended for approval at the November 3. 20o9 General Committee Meeting and approved on November 10. 2009 by Council directed it not happen.

In accordance with the decision ,Council directed staff to await completion of the Trails Master Plan which is scheduled for this Fall (2010), before commencing with the Elizabeth Hader Trail

The question was asked by Councillor Evalina Mac Eachern, Chairman of said Leisure Services Advisory Committee.

The same committee which recommended rejection of a staff request for $4,800. for fifteen additional portable toilets .

When residents seated at their dining room table were treated to the view of an adult ball player, full frontage, relieving himself at the end of their garden, subsequently expressed a lack of appreciation for the performance to staff in 2009, a Johnny was on the spot within a week.

In 2010, after a repeat performance, an e-mail to Mayor and Council from the resident, resulted in a review of the record of the decision-making process. It revealed staff request for funds to provide relief stations was rejected, on recommendation from the Leisure Services Advisory Committee, chaired by Councillor Mac Eachern and approved by Council, resulting in ALL portable relief stations being outlawed by the town forthwith.

The 2010 complaint prompted swift prevarication from the Mayor's office and subsequently a lengthy epistle from Councillor MacEachern , countering the written record of decision-making, with excerpts from the newly adopted Master Recreation Plan, which was a version of a discarded Draft Plan prepared by a consultant at a cost to the town of $53Ks, edited by Councillor Mac Eachern and the Mayor's friend and campaign supporter, Ken Whitehurst, who is also a member of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee.

The question about why the trail connection to the Elizabeth Hader Park had not been started was asked by Councillor Mac Eachern, Chair of said Leisure Services Advisory Committee which recommended to Council to await the completion of the Trails Master Plan before commencing the Elizabeth Hader Trail.

The same Councillor who filed a complaint with the Integrity Commissioner that the process by a working group, composed of herself and Mr. Whitehurst , of editing the Draft Master Recreation Plan was misrepresented by myself to the detriment of somebody or other.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that the same people that put the Trail on hold until the trail plan was completed actually asked the staff why the trail had not been constructed ? this surely cannot be so.
are you also saying that the direction of Council to not put johny on the spots in parks was contravened without the full approval of council just because it was it was tucked inside the rec masterplan somewhere. How can this possibly have happened

White Knight said...

I thought Wendy Womble took the prize for female spaced out councillor (Grainger takes the male prize) but I guess Evilina is not the brightest bulb in the box either.
Thank the lord for Councillors C-M and McRoberts who restore my faith in female and male intellect respectively.