"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 18 March 2011

The Race Is On

It looks like  a Federal Election has started. The  sound media are full of predictions the government will be re-elected.
An election at  the federal level  is like a war. The side  that makes the most mistakes is the loser. Or  something calamitous happens at the end  without  enough time left to deflect attention. .

The Conservatives of course are first out the gate. They've been doing those nasty adds about Ignatieff for months. If the Liberals do it back, it will be like tit-for-tat.  Provincial Liberals have started similar nasty adds about Provincial Conservative leader.

Yesterday, it was about  a $10million  federal gift for the  proposed Vaughan Health Sciences Centre because of all the jobs and industries created around the health  industry.

To-day,  it 's about the ten million dollar gift they didn't give to the  Health Sciences Campus underway in Oakville. The Mayor of Oakville is having trouble making contact with his conservative member of
parliament to explain why his town  only got $75K last year. The Mayor hopes it was  a down payment.

It's early days .The writ hasn't even been dropped. But M.P.Julian Fantino, the  Conservative elected in
Vaughan in a by-election , promised  he would get money for the proposed hospital during the campaign a couple of months ago.

Sure 'nuff , the money came.  From the Minister responsible for industrial development..

It's  interesting    health problems stimulates all kinds of money-making enterprises. If they build it,patients will  come. There  will still be wait times but various sectors will  make tons of money all around  and it will be a gigantic headache for the provincial government..

When it's built,  problems will start for the Province having to meet the cost of operating . They  control that by  getting  patients out of hospital as fast as possible. Then they ration home care to  minutes a day to  control those costs.

The people on home care are saving  on hospital costs.

All the while , people in the health care industry are making money hand over fist .  The GTA takes in 250.000 new people from other places every year so its  impossible to keep up with the demand for hospital beds. At  the same time all the talk is about the burden the elderly  place on the health care industry er system,  not about the newcomers.

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