"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 12 September 2011


It's always interesting to discover which post will trigger a dialogue.

"It's A Vent" brought 13 comments the last time I looked. That's phenomenal.It's also a bit overwhelming. I have difficulty keeping up.

I click on publish.And reject. Then at some other time I click on Comments and there's a whole list needing direction that I thought I already dealt with.

Generally, I don't post if the comment is downright nasty. Or somebody thinks he/she should be able use my own blog to disrespect me.

If that's what you have in mind, buck off and write your own blog and find your own readers.

I thought I read an uncomplimentary comment about Norman Jewison. It referred to men in Bolton. I didn't know if it meant Bolton in our neck of the woods or Bolton, Hollywood. Or why the men of Bolton would know anything about Norman Jewison or the women would have shared his wife's confidence.

I don't even know if he has a wife. I admire his work.I don't have to know every detail of his life.

What's more it makes not a whit of difference to what I think of his work. All of it. If Norman Jewison is the director,I know I have something to look forward to.


Look at that lengthy comment about how to use blueing in the washing machine. I've no idea where that came from. It certainly sounds like Mrs/Stewart's blueing is still available.

It doesn't say it's only good for natural fibres. Which I think it is.

Does it work on man made fibres. I don't think it does .

Now, let's see if I get a response to that from out of the ether.


Darryl Moore said...

"Generally, I don't post if the comment is downright nasty. Or somebody thinks he/she should be able use my own blog to disrespect me."

And don't forget when you also don't publish "because it reads more like a post".

I do appreciate that you publish so many posts that disagree with you, however the above criteria shows you are rather more arbitrary in deciding than you suggest.

Just saying....

Anonymous said...

Tricky stuff, Evelyn. I know of one wife and
believe she died. Don't know anything about what
happened after that & it isn't our business.

Anonymous said...

Norman would be a great book subject for
someone with a background in Drama, if it hasn't
already been done. Not gossip, fact would be a
good thing.

Anonymous said...

Getting over the edge. Only thing worthy of
follow-up is how RTB is doing. Really miss him.