"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 11 September 2011

If It's A Mistake... It's Not My Mistake

For you to go hammer and tongs again and again diminishes the ability of THIS council, and your ability to influence it. Isn't that what is facing you now when you're becoming more frustrated by them not listening to you? Broken record and crying wolf syndrome kicks in. The sky is perpetually falling in according to you.
Staff at Town Hall head the other way when they see you coming so they don't become snared in your net. You'll flog their director at some stage so don't want to be painted with the Buck brush.
Don't feed the MorMac or you'll give them legendary status. Move on or YOU'LL be tossed the next time!


The above is an excerpt from a comment. I published it to respond .

It's a popular notion that everything was made  right when Council membership changed in the last election.

The  people re-elected two of the former majority and one other who often aligns himself with the last lot.

Myself being the exception,everybody else is new. Brand new. Like shoes. Newness can cause blisters and discomfort for a while.

Each Councillor is. at one and the same time, a rival. Satisfaction comes from working to-gether for a common cause but people are watching, making judgments, comparing notes.

A Councillor needs to listen without appearing to be a know-nothing and a perpetual follower.

Getting elected is the easy part. Earning your place is the real challenge.

Problems created by the preceding Council need to be corrected.  That was the message I received last October. Some never will be corrected. It's like turning back the clock.

Elections are the people's opportunity to have a say. Four year terms are too long. All the more reason,to read the message right.

I was re-elected. I know why.

We did not start with a clean slate. Pish- Tosh to that notion.

The commenter may be correct. Colleagues may be soft-soaping me to smooth their path. If so,I have not noticed. If I do detect it, it will change nothing.

The blog is not a blunt instrument.

It's where I turn. Where I find people who read and understand.

The points of an argument may not lead to the same conclusions but the points themselves are seldom in dispute.

The blog means I am never solitary.

I do not speak for myself alone.


Anonymous said...

Hear, Hear!

Anonymous said...

Hear, Hear!

Anonymous said...

"Staff at Town Hall head the other way when they see you coming so they don't become snared in your net. You'll flog their director at some stage so don't want to be painted with the Buck brush"

Oh My do we detect some sour grapes or a defeated looser, or perhaps a Johnny Come Lately political analyst , what drivel but thanks for posting your readers needed good laugh to start the week !!!!