"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Letter To A Resident

Good Morning Again Mr. Poppe,

The genesis of the debate is not the same for all members of Council. We do not share the same experience. My agreement with the original motion was a compromise. I would now have no further truck with this agreement or these board members for several reasons.

First, for the decision they made to exclude the Historical Society and the town's museum from a building renovated and designed at huge investment of resources from the town and the Historical Society for that specific purpose.

Second, for refusal to offer a public or logical explanation for their decision

Third, for refusal to recognise obvious omissions and shortcomings in an agreement that provides significant financial support without accountability.

Fourth, refusal to recognise, an agreement that does not provide a time limit for financial dependency needs to be changed.

In summation let me offer the following, Mr. Poppe.

An amendment to a motion cannot change the intent of the motion. The change accepted by the Mayor at Tuesday's meeting and put to a vote was not in order.

It is not clear who wrote this agreement. In his review. Mr. Mar did not provide these particulars.

The board had a lawyer paid for by the town.

The town had none.

From the source of e-mails flooding council in-boxes in support of the status quo, it is apparent Aurora taxpayers are being compelled to provide free service to a community well beyond our borders. That's a charitable aspect of the operation which is abhorrent to myself and others like me.

Since I have the right to say so, I do say so in the strongest terms I can muster and repeat as frequently as I feel it is necessary to help people like yourself understand the issue I have with this agreement and this board.

Mr. Poppe,you acknowledge you have paid no attention to the issue until now.

If you were weighing in as an ordinary citizen without experience of any kind, that would not be necessary.

You are however offering a legal opinion while acknowledging you are not familiar with specifics.

In the circumstances, despite your professional qualifications, I am unable to acknowledge any merit in your position.


Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss.

But it does nothing to bring about a proper resolution.

The existing agreement is flawed in many areas identified by the Town Solicitor.

Until these flaws are corrected the agreement should be considered as nonsense.

Anonymous said...

"...Aurora taxpayers are being compelled to provide free service to a community well beyond our borders..."

Do Aurora taxpayers provide other free services to a community beyond our borders?

Roads come to mind. If they were for residents only, the Town would be a lot different.

Other municipalities provide "free" services to those outside their borders. We hear it all of the time from those in the City of Toronto.

Are we that petty as a group to deny those that do not live in Aurora access to services here?

Anonymous said...

Long over- due Whack !

Anonymous said...

OMG, @10:18, have you not been paying attention? Are you not aware of the extent to which the currounding communities subsidize Toronto's municipal tax levy?

Are you new?

Anonymous said...

10:18 AM
One of you Quibblers had to nerve to compare the ACC with the Police. Now it's that they provide the same level of service as the bloody road system.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6 March, 2012 10:49 AM

10:18 AM
One of you Quibblers had to nerve to compare the ACC with the Police. Now it's that they provide the same level of service as the bloody road system.

Where did it compare it to Police? Roads are a "free" service all municipalities provide free services to their residents and to outside.

The Town of Markham provides a theatre that is available to all. Yes, they charge admission - so does the ACC.

Time to get off your high horses that we should only provide services to residents. Hello, GO parking? Look outside your closed boxes.

Anonymous said...

Poppe used to be free and easy with legal opinions on the Citizen. But he had the same problem with facts as your Quibblers. When asked for specifics, he could supply none. Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...

Poppe used to be free and easy with legal opinions on the Citizen. But he had the same problem with facts as your Quibblers. When asked for specifics, he could supply none. Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...

11:27 AM
And does Markham not receive any money from the theatre in return for use of the theatre. Talk about 'closed boxes'. You pick only the little bit of information that suits your flawed argument. Bet Markham has ever been faced with the theatre refusing to negotiate as times and the economy warrant.
Now you think you're the 'Go' system. Yup and we're the Region. Have you even noticed that the Region is
The best is when you claim to be as important as the infrastructure of the entire Region. Sheer madness!

Anonymous said...

Are we that petty as a group to deny those that do not live in Aurora access to services here

YES, and do you have any other mindless questions ?

Anonymous said...

"You pick only the little bit of information that suits your flawed argument."

Something that's endemic around these parts...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Are we that petty as a group to deny those that do not live in Aurora access to services here

YES, and do you have any other mindless questions ?

6 March, 2012 7:26 PM


I guess you won't mind if other municipalites do the same to you.

Hardly a mindless question, but if you are knuckle dragging mouth breather, you might think so.

Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
The true nature of the ACC. Refusing to enter a discussion with facts and childish name-calling of anyone who shows signs of opposition.
A real morning grump.