"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 27 May 2014


It is being siggested I have a secret nefarious plot to  jump into the Mayoralty  race at the last minute 
and steal the prize from both our Boy Winders.

There's  nothing  secretive or nefarious about my intentions.

I think about it all the time. How can I sut by and  watch  the town slip -slide in the rain.

I know  my knowledge and competence far surpasses either of the other  two contenders.

I also know that's not taking into consideration everything that needs to be considered.

If I were twenty years younger ,my name would be in like a shot.

I did it in 2006 and decided better of it. The Town needs  to present a vibrant,vigorous image of itself. 

That's  not what the Town got. 

Oh my  Dear Lord No. Who could have foreseen what the town got?

We had another election and  I  helped move the change. I don't regert it. 

But nothing was said of what was to be realised . We a world apart from where we were but on the whole, not where we should be. 

Now we are faced with a questionable  choice.  Little to choose. 

My friends shudder and say....Oh Evelyn, you don't need it.

I know that.

Nobody does 

But what about the town's needs?

So now you know.what I wrestle with...... Choices.


Anonymous said...

I cannot get inside your head. Only my own which appreciates you right where you are acting as the necessary gadfly. But I can see why you might enjoy giving the two current contenders for the job pause for thought.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that here we are exactly five months to the day from the municipal election, and there is already a great deal of emotion and opinion buzzing through your blog.

The deadline for filing to appear on the ballot is still three and a half months off and until that date has come and gone we will not know the names of all the interested candidates.

In the meantime we have two candidates for mayor, the entire existing council and a few newbies for a council seat.

The contest is still pretty weak, but why should it be otherwise, considering the entire months of summer and half of autumn?

I am really looking forward to "Mayor" Gallo's next two or three platform planks; is he going to be constructing a straw house or a wooden house, that the big bad wolf blew down in the fairytale. Or will it have some substance, any substance, and who will have to pay for this superior work?

Blogging and Twittering have become commonly used tools for communicating with the masses. There is one particular candidate for council who, in my opinion, has simply gone batty using the latter "Social Media." The more he publishes the less I can tolerate him. We have a number of friends and acquaintances and between them we can deprive him of a couple of dozen votes.

But really we seem to be reliving the council that was elected in 2006. I realize there are some scabrous creatures whose names and faces appear publicly on occasion, but surely they can't be that brain-damaged so as to seriously consider a run at the Round Table. T'would be neat to exchange the present lot for the noble Round Table of King Arthur.

"In days of old when knights were bold..........." Maybe I shouldn't go any further as there are several smutty versions.

Aurora is but a pipsqueak in electioneering terms but a giant when it comes to emotion and depth of feeling.

The three main parties in the provincial election have been distributing so many billions of dollars you need a computer to tally the total, much less perform an analysis of the priority and appropriateness of how these billions are actually spent.

One thing I guarantee: whatever council we elect will have many good and bad aspects. I hope that the nine people chosen are capable of understanding the material placed before them by staff, will not allow themselves to be rushed into making a decision and will make it on the merits in their capacity as elected individuals for and on behalf of the best interests of Aurora's citizens.

Anonymous said...

If Hazel could, so can you.

Anonymous said...

Play the cards you see before you. Not the ones still in the deck. Every individual at the table tonight is running.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? The Town's website does not show Humphries or Thompson as being registered. I've heard it said elsewhere and here that all current members are running.

Anonymous said...

It is possible that someone has spoken to Cllr Humfryes about her habit of waving her hands around. At the meeting, she is snapping an elastic which stops that completely. Good advice from whoever.

Anonymous said...

Note to Tim the Enchanter:
The money spent on clear bags would appear to be lost. If you used them over the period of discussion, you would have been breaking the town by-law.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Ramble much? #smallenginerepair

Anonymous said...

Choices is an excellent topic head. Tonight it was quite clear what choices had been made by Council members. Not easy to accept but c'est la vie. I really am not enamoured by politics.

Anonymous said...

When mayor of aurora... you'd also have to work with those losers at the region. I'd make sure you check the drug plan and see if its an unlimited plan or if there's a cap per year.... Hint, hint.... you're going to need unlimited to work with them.

Anonymous said...

Christopher is a welcome relief after a dismal council meeting

Anonymous said...

I think you can do it. You will need a good assistant to do some of the running. There is no reason you cannot "run the Town's business" from the Mayor's chair from 10:OO AM to 2:00PM each day. Others can do all the extras and nice things.

Anonymous said...

I think Evelyn prefers to work in the afternoons & evenings. Bit of a night owl when others are nodding off.

Anonymous said...

09:49, the mayor's position is a full-time one, with commensurate pay. It's not the part-time gig you're suggesting. So, really, you don't think she "can do it."

Anonymous said...

I am not willing to risk Evelyn in a run for the Mayor's job, certainly not at this very early juncture. Cllr Gallo I have no problem watching. Same as last time with Nigel.

Tim the Enchanter said...


Re: Money spent on clear bags

I didn't watch the council meeting - I couldn't make it past the delegations.
Last thing I saw was the ever-ebullient Councillor Humfryes celebrating the visit of two buses to the farmer's market with the enthusiasm one might normally associate with a successful landing on Mars.
Keep forgetting to PVR the proceedings so I can fast-forward through the icky bits.

Was something said about clear bags?
Should I run out and buy some before the rush starts?