"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Question of the day

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Solution Is Imminent":

Tool/potting shed for the arboretum?


This comment reminds me. The Arboretum group  bought a prefabricated shed with the first year of $100.000. grant. They also let a contract for weeding flower beds.

The shed cost $47,000 or thereabouts. The next  year somebody backed the tractor into the door jamb

I tell you to create  relevance  and  because I heard an Arboretum  member  has adamantly declared "not a penny more for the Petch House"

Another year's biggie was $75,000. worth of landscaping on a slope  from the back of the Family Leisure Complex. Big rocks transported to the site and lots of soil replacement.

The Arboretun are a small group of volunteeers with  ambitious plans  to create something beautiful in the ravine that ends at the  Petch House. They've probably received  half a million dollars and spent it  with never a quibble from the public.

The Historical Society receive an average annual  grant of $70,000.  . Nobody outside of  the Society has any idea how its spent.

The Culture Board receives  increased funding every year. ;this year just  about $400,000. They have free use of  a facility that cost millions to renovate for another purpose, All utilities and maintenance are provided . The Board  self-selects and meets in secret .

There;s never any hesitation about doling out  tax funds.

I could go on and on listing dissipation this way and that.  I will.

Two "studies " cost more than was  spent restoring the Petch House.

The Strategic Plan Study cost $80,000. The  Heritage Designation for the S.E.  District cost $67,000.

Nothing  is seen to have been accomplished  that could not without them.

 Petch House  is real.

What about  legal fees to advise  on rudimentaray  decisions ? Cell tower erected with legal authority
for example.  Should we go to court to compel a developer to sell land for a fraction of its value
for  purposes unknown.

Consult fees for a  $ multi millions fantasy heritage park, gifting land to a university, an all-season facility for  a private tennis club,

I do  not suggest funds  spent on Petch House are  either trivial or irrelevant.

I  do  however  suggest it's the tip of the iceberg.

If  we can't control profligate tax and spend  practice in  this small Ontario town  and  we don't ,why  should we expect discipline at the higher levels ?

It's my question for the day.


Anonymous said...

I have no answer to your question. All we small fry can do is carefully direct votes to those we believe to be deserving. Even then we can mess up royally.

Christopher Watts said...

Actually I have an understanding of how the Aurora Historical Society has spent grant money over the past 4 years.

That's not to say that it was easy to gain such an understanding. Their website is a joke, reports are usually only provided to the 20 or so odd in attendance at their annual general meetings and they are not as comprehensive as what is provided to council their primary funding source.

From the society's own recent history I have no idea why council was so complacent in continuing to hand over, now $70,000 in the 2014 budget cycle when the AHS has jettisoned the Aurora Collection to the town and significant problems with respect to sustainability were highlighted prompting council to agree it "needs to have a discussion".

No discussion has taken place since the budget back in February. No discussion is in sight, as the Mayor seems to be expecting it only to take place if a notice of motion is made, failing to provide the leadership to bring one forward himself.

If the Petch House is the tip of the iceberg then the Aurora Historical Society is the Titanic. $70,000 lifeboats aren't going to do anything to alter its course.

Anonymous said...

If the arboretum people have not husbanded the money they have received or taken care of the buildings and equipment that they were given, it makes no sense to even consider them in assigning a home for Petch.