"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 10 October 2013

How To Grade a Lot

This brochure is from  www.aurora.ca . if you are not familiar with this brochure, i would read it because it visually outlines how  PROPER GRADING AND DRAINAGE should be performed!!
Go to figure 3, since it shows that water should go directly away from the back of a walkout basement, not sideways along the foundation and out through the centre of the yard.

Has everyone lost their common sense when analyzing the issue at  33 Longthorpe. If they cannot see the light in this matter, I highly recommend the town revise this brochure from Engineering Services


Anonymous said...

Clr. Gallo asks why more good people don't run for public office.

If he would look in a mirror he would have an answer.

The majority of Council should also look in a mirror and that would answer his question in spades.

Councillors are not engineers but the town has a professional staff to provide advice and to make recommendations.

It must be frustrating when their advice and recommendations are ignored and we are forced to watch and listen to council members who do nothing constructive besides produce hot air for many hours at public expense.

Anonymous said...

Councillor Gallo is a hoot when he pretends to encourage new candidates. The first time he ran, & lost, he had the audacity to phone Evelyn & ask her to step aside for him. That doesn't make him a good role model for me.
Enjoy this day - it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

No 10:34 you are wrong.....

If you read posts here by Evelyn, staff are to be seen and not heard. There are too many staff. Councillors need to do the job they were elected to do.

The real reason that more good people don't run is because the good people get paid too well to not run. There is no financial incentive for anyone to be a member of council. You get what you pay for... and we don't pay enough.

Anonymous said...

You're right for the most part, 13:28, but you will find both attitudes about staff here. It depends on the situation and which view supports the argument that is trying to be made.

It's called, 'talking out of both sides of your mouth.'

Anonymous said...

You are out of your tree !
Evelyn got into trouble with that last lot Because she respected staff and listened to them.
The rest of your comment would require too much effort to refute. It might well be a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

If Clr. Gallo had his hair cut the drag on his brain would be reduced and it might then begin to function closer to its potential capability.

This is Italian style and meets with his eight year old daughter's approval.

Something is amiss in the Gallo household.

Anonymous said...

Gallo is no role model for anyone. He will be out next term. He is intelligent and could make a contribution but I think he knows the gig is up.

It is not just him. The governance structure needs an overhaul. Eight councillors at large is a no win. We need fewer councillors and more specific responsibilities. Certainly not more money,

Anonymous said...

Just for me - so don't snap. I believe people writing on this Blog respect most of the current staff although there have been some obvious stumbles. Also just for me - I think there is some doubt about exactly what the communications staff are communicating. Christopher says it much better than I do.
Now the attitude towards our individual councillors - that is all over the place in comments. Perfectly natural.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean it is Italian ? I've never met an Italian with hair like that and I know a lot of them. Some are even family members. Sir Lancelot, maybe. But no one real.

Anonymous said...

The man has clearly learned nothing. We are all supposed to learn from experience. I wonder if taxpayers would be liable for his expenses if he launched yet another lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

OK I read that letter. As a resident I have no idea what Councillor Gallo is on about. The current discussions have been about the 3 trees, the service report & possible problems with the renovation of the leisure Centre. I have no interest in reading his anonymous mail - how would I even know if it were real ?

Anonymous said...

Is the councillor really comparing himself to Kitty , the woman who was attacked in NY ? If he finishes the book he might find that there was no response from some people because they assumed others had made the 911 call. No cell phones back then. That book just tries to get a fresh selling point from really really old data which was badly collected in the first place.
Perhaps he could borrow Councillor Ballard's book of Churchill quotes.

Anonymous said...

13:28. They may not get paid enough…but we lucked out with Evelyn. The people in Aurora obviously respect her. How many times has she been re-elected? We may get lucky again in 2014 with someone with the same respect and dedication to the residents of this Town…who knows? I really don’t think that council members enter this position for the money. I do believe most have good intentions and some come with a twisted agenda. I believe all candidates in the next election should read the quote by Martin Luther King that Evelyn has at the top of her blog page, read it again once elected, and then every time they enter council chamber.

Anonymous said...

Those trees will be coming down…just a matter a time. Patience, patience , patience…and this too will pass.

Kelli Collins said...

Hi All - I would like to tell you that the email councillor gallo published was indeed real because I wrote it! What you don't know is that he edited it, and left a large portion out which completley changed my main point (I will be fixing this in next weeks Auroran)- for the record I did not send the email anonymously - it had my name, my address, and my phone number, but it was clear he did not want to disclose that I was more than up for the debate surrounding his foolishness, and the foolishness of his two co-horts (the three stooges). I find it quite scary that with everything this town needs to get done - he chose to take up an half page in the Auroran because his feelings were hurt when I expressed an opinion about his hair???? and he wants to run for Mayor???? scary ....... and for the record - I still think he look ridiculous, but now on a greater scale!!!!!

Anonymous said...

14:47... you need to get your head out of the sand.

You complain that you have people on council who have no experience in the real world or no what they are doing. he reason is you pay these people so little that anyone with a good paying job is not going to throw it away to be part of this circus.

This is not only a municipal problem but at every level of government. You pay someone to be an MP - representing thousands of people and they get paid the same as a clerk in an office. Unless they are independantly wealthy, they are not going to take a pay cut for the crap they have to put up with.

Anonymous said...

Gallo for Mayor. Come on, you've got to be kidding!

A writer refers to him and his two cohorts as the three stooges. Another writer sees similarities between Abel and Barney Fife (the bungling deputy sheriff on the Andy Griffiths show).

I think Humphries now needs a comparison. I'm afraid it won't be too flattering. Any suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming individuals on this Blog for what you figure is wrong with all governments. We do what we can and don't need lectures.

Anonymous said...

I had been seriously thinking about hoping some new candidates would turn up & I could just watch the theatrics. But if someone is seriously thinking that councillor Gallo might run for mayor.., then I have to re-think the the original thunk.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! Once more with the venom, eh ?