"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 6 March 2014

A Different Perspective

I have owned this house for over 10 years. It has a town plaque & is also designated. I am very proud of this house & my neighborhood. 
I attended the council meeting yesterday, Tuesday March 4, 2014. This letter expresses my thoughts of my neighborhood.
Many people in this beautiful neighborhood have given so much of their time and effort over quite a few years in order to help preserve it through designation and it would be a dishonor to its heritage not to continue the study.
What is very rare about our neighborhood is everyone who enters has the opportunity to leave all their cares behind and just enjoy the quiet beauty of a time where life appeared to be simpler. I see well cared for houses that are all different. No cookie cutter houses. There are beautiful gardens, friendly neighbors always happy to discuss any topic, especially their house, with anyone who passes by. You don't go for short walks in this neighborhood! You get a good education on who built it, brick types, insulation used, unique features and more. It's a peaceful stroll through a caring community loaded with character that will bring a smile to your face and allow you to be swept away!
My neighborhood has the Town Park, the Cultural Centre, the Farmer's Market and many beautiful older buildings. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have Aurora known for these landmarks and have people travel from all over to learn our history? It is our south east district that holds these wonders and we do have the potential to do just that. The north east district is designated but it does not have enough of its own buildings to do what the south east has the potential to do. However, if we combine the two districts, we have so much history to offer the "world"! You have to think big!
Mr. Bray has all the documentation to show the benefits of designating this neighborhood. Town staff, committees and many neighbors have worked long hours for the purpose of designation. It is positive movement in the right direction. 
If we hesitate because of fear, we miss the opportunity for growth of not only the south east district but of Aurora. If we change our perspective, review all the facts from all sides and make a well informed decision, we have the opportunity to grow and flourish.
Please consider all the well documented research that has been undertaken for the south east district and the potential this neighborhood has to change lives in a positive way. Designation benefits all who see the vision of a treasured jewel in the town I call my home, Aurora.


Anonymous said...

This is a very nice and warm description of a well cared for, well loved neighbourhood. The writer is most fortunate to live in it.

But when it comes to a vision of a treasured jewel in our town, something that can be offered to the world, the writer might be just slightly overstating.

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. And that is usually good because it provides diversity.

Anonymous said...


Lyrical but very sad. The world is not going to beat a path to south-east Aurora. It is special but in not way unique.

Anonymous said...

Very lyrical but it is sad that you believe that people will beat a path to your door, The word is not interested, nor should they be . Your vision has nothing to offer.

Anonymous said...


How demeaningly dismissive of you...talk about nothing to offer.

Anonymous said...

It is lovely to hear someone express an appreciation of their neighbourhood. It is not so lovely when the same individual might seek to restrict the activities of neighbours in order to maintain that feeling.

Anonymous said...

That sounds a lot like one of those old dears who wander around the neighbourhood in the evenings when you are trying to catch up on your yard work. Since they have " people " who do their maintenance, they do not realize that you need the time. Given half a chance they will talk your ear off. Often it takes ages to break away and you usually end up knowing far more than you need to about their health. We refer to those discussions as " organ recitals "

Anonymous said...

What would be even less lovely would be the loss of character in our historic core through unfettered demolition and building of McMansions (e.g. the top of Tyler Street).

Anonymous said...

So you would restrict the rights of residents to sell their homes to whoever they pleased to satisfy your standard ?

Anonymous said...

The words "vision " & "jewel " are being abused in Aurora.

Anonymous said...

No, 13:44, they can sell to whomever they please. However, I am in favour of those potential buyers knowing that there may be restrictions on what may be done to those properties.

It's all about the greater good.

Anonymous said...

My old roof is leaking & I have zero sympathy for that person with her demands for special status over the rest of us.
Why is a roof leak always so dirty ?

Anonymous said...

Did you really say for " the greater good " ?
The last lot tried to ban monster homes as they called them. One parcel merited an OMB hearing in Aurora. The OMB gave permission for 2 on that single lot. They are just about completed. It's called in-fillling and you had better get used to the idea.

Anonymous said...

Hey 16:46 Let's see you get a mortgage to buy a place with restrictions on its sale. Banks have rules & they want to unload a bad loan without fuss. Seems to me you want to tie others down - you even refer to the residents as " them " which could indicate that you are not to be similarly curtailed.

Anonymous said...

It's simple, 09:33 et al., if you're not prepared to preserve the character of the historic core, then don't buy there.

Anonymous said...

It isn't going to fly. That isn't some condo development. I could buy in there and do exactly as I pleased if I was willing to ignore the predictable howls. There was a house in Aurora that was to receive " heritage " designation. The night before the designation was to kick in, the building came down while the neighbours were safely in their beds.

Anonymous said...

16:46 - To you and those residents that want this designation…Mind your own property!! It would be for the greater good for all residents of Aurora and the world.