"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 28 December 2012

A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear? Nah!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Day In The Life Of A Councillor": 
"The claim was repeated that light-coloured vehicles produce less pollution in hot weather. To which I respond; 
How would you go about proving that?"
That was not the claim that I read. I think it said that dark green vehicles will require more A/C because they will be hotter in the summer. That means that more fuel will be required - not pollution. I think it is a common fact that darker colours retain heat (instead of reflecting it). Not much to prove if you ask me.
No, I do not recollect reading that claim. But thank you for repeating  yet another foolish argument.
How much time do you think parks employees spend in air-conditioned trucks in the summer ?
As little as it takes to get them from one park to another. Air-conditioning is unlikely to be turned  on. 
Any time I see  them, dark arms lean on open windows,
faces are  turned to catch the breeze and shout a friendly greeting  in passing at whoever they may know.
Air conditioning in a parks vehicle!!!! Gimme a break!!!!
Nincompoopery to the nth degree/
This debate is concluded. The majority voted  that green trucks for parks were eminently suitable.
Except for snarkety-snark-snark,  not a word of protest was heard throughout the land.
It was one for the good guys. 
White vehicles because everybody else has them  is not a logical rationale. 
Mayhap, the objective is for town vehicles to be indistinguishable from  Regional.
Maybe  we are being not so subtly influenced to think of ourselves as a minor unit  of regional government.
Certainly  enough former regional employees  are within our  administration to make that theory plausible and  equally repugnant.
The town has a strategic plan for the next twenty-years, four times beyond the limit of reasonable  influence considering neighbourhoods and towns are not built by municipal corporations.
Developers are the principal partners. 
The Region has a thirty year plan. . 
We  are advised by the Chief Financial Officer, once 2013  budget is approved ,our eyes will not rest upon projects within it  again until  contracts  are  presented for award.
I think that's pretty well how it happens at the Region. 
Regional Councillors do not read staff reports. Staff write the reports ,  then they write condensed regional for municipal agendas to  appear as if  they have been  written by Regional Councillors. 
What a farce  !!!! 
Tis the season to be fanciful.
Feel free to throw in other  arguments  so they may be dissected on my table and shown for the weakness of their parts. 
I suspect the drug has not yet been invented to create substance where there is none. .   


Anonymous said...

Maybe the idea is to distract your attention from the big-ticket items. It should be known by now that this doesn't work. You must have hit a nerve. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Read a review today in the Star's Wheels section (cars). They were reviewing a Mazda MX-5 (sports car). It was painted white and that colour comes with a $200 up-charge!