"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 21 December 2012

Crisis and Confusion

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "They Call Me Contrary":

Evelyn, the province is in the middle of a massive software undertaking, that when these all new programs finally go live, they will be obsolete. Many ministries are trying to implement and upload data from municipalities, but very little is compatible. I'm not sure it ever will be. Everything has to be in place to TEST the programs, actually going live is another feat in itself. Welcome to the new, not necessarily better, world. It's humongous task for a large company to do, for a government, almost impossible.

"Many ministries are trying to implement and upload data from municipalities but very little is compatible" .

  "Everything has to be in place to test the program"

Aurora was advised by  staff who were advised by  consultant to buy  $440,000. software. 
The town's  IT department was not consulted to determine compatibility. 
 I  e-mailed  the IT department  to get a better understanding of the process. My e-mail was sent to the Chief Financial Officer accompanied by assurances they had  told me nothing

 "Everything has to be in place to  TEST  the program , actually going live is another feat in itself "   
We are  at the TEST stage  in Aurora. But we need another $100,000 worth of equipment to go live. We already provided $58,000. extra. .
The more I hear about the program, the extra costs at the Region extra staff; From the Auditor .... failure to provide training to staff to upgrade their skills
At the AMO conference ,municipalities  in trouble, needing financial help from the Province. 
Now we hear from someone that I imagine  knows what's going on at the Province. 
The more I hear, the more I fear, another  E-Health scandal. 
Sometimes I wish to be  innocent like  my colleagues, always willing to take somebody else's word ....Let  those who know better  control the decision making.
Then I think; No, that's not why I was elected.  I will be able to account for the negative vote I cast.   


Anonymous said...

Staff really want this boondoggle. I have no idea why except maybe to provide them with bragging rights. There are a # of councillors with real business heads, as compared with those who might have useless degrees. Let us hope that Aurora can be the FIRST in this case. I am so tired of being told that we should set the example. Why should we and at what cost? Could we please be the example of prudence instead of priorities?

Anonymous said...

McGinty's government languishes at 23%. If the conservatives get in there will be further cuts. Why should Aurora be taking marching orders from a morally and financially bankrupt province? Just Asking.

Anonymous said...

Councillor Ballard will vote for this. He claims to be a communications expert and a journalist. I have seen no evidence of either except for a reported instance about him editing an edition of the Auroran and filling it with flattering photos of the former Mayor. As a self-proclaimed expert, he will vote for this.

Anonymous said...

Please thank your source if it is possible.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes I wish to be innocent like my colleagues, always willing to take somebody else's word ....Let those who know better control the decision making"

wouldn't that be a lovely concept , just a shame that you have no one else to lean on , who ever would have thought that all those years of experience, knowledge, wisdom and plain common sense would turn out to be such a handicap.

Anonymous said...

9:55 PM
It is far from being a handicap. And there are others who are absorbing whatever lessons they can from Evelyn. Think positive.